UP Fakulteta za turistične študije Portorož - Turistica

Izredni študij Portorož

Zbrano dne 17.04.2024 ob 13:34

Število vseh obvestil: 15

1. obvestilo: 15.04.2024 - BSG Interns Virtual Careers Fair - 17th April 2024

2. obvestilo: 04.04.2024 - Call for Application // HTW Berlin Summer School “Shaping Sustainability in Industrial Heritage“ // Berlin, 10.-25. August 2024

3. obvestilo: 03.04.2024 - Language courses at the UP Center for languages

4. obvestilo: 03.04.2024 - Jacques Delors Agora - Applications are now open

5. obvestilo: 29.03.2024 - Obvestilo za študente 2. in 3. letnikov vseh programov

6. obvestilo: 28.03.2024 - Seaside Summer Course in German 2024

7. obvestilo: 21.03.2024 - Vabilo - INTERNATIONAL STUDENT WEEK IN BELGRADE (ISWiB) 2024


9. obvestilo: 26.02.2024 - Vabilo na 5. International Student Conference v Bosni in Hercegovini

10. obvestilo: 03.01.2024 - Zagovori zaključnih del v poletnih mesecih 2024

11. obvestilo: 23.10.2023 - Razpis volitev v ŠS

12. obvestilo: 24.08.2023 - Izbirni predmet Skrb za lastno zdravje

13. obvestilo: 14.10.2021 - URADNE URE REFERATA ZA ŠTUDENTE

14. obvestilo: 29.09.2020 - Roki za prijavo in odjavo na izpite in kolokvije!

15. obvestilo: 17.11.2017 - V veljavo stopa Zakon za urejanje položaja študentov (ZUPŠ)

BSG Interns Virtual Careers Fair - 17th April 2024
Datum: 15.04.2024

After a very successful first Virtual Careers Fair, we are very excited to announce that we will be hosting another online session, showcasing & delivering information on placements, internships and graduate opportunities we have available within the USA and New Zealand.

On the 17th April at 12pm and 5pm (GMT), we will be leading two online sessions, allowing interested candidates to understand the roles that are on offer.

With both programmes combined, we can offer Hospitality related (incl. Travel, Tourism & Events) students / graduates the following roles, based on their areas of interest and expertise:

-Food & Beverage
-Front Office
-Guest Services
-Golf (Sports students/graduates only!)

We also have various Culinary positions available for Culinary Arts Students / Graduates.

I have attached an e-flyer with the event information and would be most grateful if you could distribute this to the relevant cohort of students. Please note these opportunities are available to those students still searching for a placement AND Final Year students looking for a graduate opportunity.

We also encourage academics, placement / careers advisors or any other associated colleagues to join in on the session, to learn more about the BSG Interns Programme.

If you need any other information in regards to this session or are interested, please contact me as I would be more than happy to accommodate. The contact address is kerry@bsginterns.com

BSG Interns Virtual Careers Fair Flyer - https://univerzaupr-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/marko_samarin_upr_si/EaMzNZ272wpEieKlvuF0zoQBJGI5GCFIwo3fTnZ5amHFfw?e=XltG2D

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Call for Application // HTW Berlin Summer School “Shaping Sustainability in Industrial Heritage“ // Berlin, 10.-25. August 2024
Datum: 04.04.2024

Dear students,

you want to spend time in Berlin this summer, meet new people from all over Europe and get to grips with industrial heritage and
sustainability? Then we have something for you:

Apply for our two-week English Language Summer School "Shaping Sustainability in Industrial Heritage" in Berlin in August 2024.
The application portal will be open from 20 March, Admissions will take place on a rolling basis from April 5 until all places are filled.

The second European Industrial Heritage Summer School is organized by the European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH), the School of Culture
and Design at the HTW Berlin and the Berlin Center for Industrial Heritage.

Find more information here. https://www.f5.htw-berlin.de/alt-studieren/international-en/industrial-heritage-summer-school/

We are looking for you!

We are looking for fresh and diverse perspectives on industrial heritage and sustainability.
Are you studying: museum studies, cultural studies, history/public history, industrial archaeology, culture and tourism management, architecture and urban planning, heritage conservation, sustainability studies or communication design or a related subject? Then you'll fit right in and enrich the Summer School with your interdisciplinary perspective on the urgently needed link between industrial heritage and sustainability.

Why industrial heritage in Berlin?
Industrial development was and is a decisive driving force for the development of Berlin. Technical and scientific progress as well as new
forms of work make prosperity possible. At the same time, they are often closely linked to the exploitation of people, nature and global resources. That's why we're taking a look at the connection between industrial culture and sustainability together with you.

How can sustainability become effective in industrial heritage?
Sustainable educational work, re-use of industrial sites (preservation of historical monuments is climate protection), new blood in cultural volunteering and soft tourism are just a few of the project fields in which we will be active.

What do you get out of it?
You will acquire new skills in intercultural communication and working methods. Together with the other Summer School participants, you will develop your own concepts that can be implemented in projects. After the Summer School, you will also have the opportunity to join a new
pan-European Young Professional Network of the European Route of Industrial Heritage.

How does the application process work?
The application runs via the mobility portal of HTW Berlin. The application is open from 20 March 2024. The following link will take you to the application portal. After registering, you will receive an email with your login information and can complete your application. The
application form has to be filled out online. Please have your enrolment certificate, transcript of records and CV ready for upload.

What does the Summer School cost?
All accepted applicants receive a scholarship from the European Route of Industrial Heritage (ERIH), which drastically reduces the participation fee. For a fortnight in Berlin including accommodation, costs for self-catering, ticket for public transport, cultural program and materials you have to pay 360 €.
You can find the complete announcement here. [3]

If you have any questions, please contact us!

Na vrh

Language courses at the UP Center for languages
Datum: 03.04.2024

Dear students,
Center for languages at the University of Primorska offers courses of seven different languages at the beginner and advanced levels. Online courses are designed to enable rapid, effective, and enjoyable language acquisition for learners.
You can choose between seven languages: English, Arabic, French, Italian, German, Russian and Spanish.
The course is conducted entirely online as a combination of meetings with the lecturer and individual work with computer program. At the end of the course, you will receive a publicly valid SEJO-level certificate of your level of language proficiency. More information can be found https://fhs.upr.si/center-za-jezike-univerze-na-primorskem-vabi-k-vpisu-na-jezikovne-tecaje/.
The price of the course for students of the University of Primorska is 396 euros.
If you are interested, sign up for language course via online application form until Monday, April 15. Form: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=p-khtNHk-0ux6O_maY-5e4Q8SV0w91lCh-6m57VHj8FUNlNUUEI2U0JQTERWN1k1MUFNMjU4VDFJUC4u

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Jacques Delors Agora - Applications are now open
Datum: 03.04.2024

The Jacques Delors Agora, a joint initiative by the Académie Notre Europe, the Scuola Di Politiche and the Academia Europea Leadership aims to gather 150 young European minds and European decision-makers and experts to discuss the priorities for the EU for the next five years. The event will take place in Lisbon from the 1st to the 4th of July 2024.
We are contacting you because we believe this event could be very interesting for your students. Since the event is open to all young Europeans, regardless of their field of study or country of origin, we believe this opportunity might appeal to your students. Therefore, we would be extremely grateful if you could let your students know about our initiative and spread the word to any and all organisations or student associations that could be interested. We would be delighted to welcome Slovene youngsters in Lisbon.
We are looking for participants aged between 18 and 35 years old, with at least a B2 level of English, who possess interest and/or curiosity towards the European project and who are eager to contribute to a debate on Europe's future. Being an academic expert on European affairs is not a requirement to join the Agora, the event is inclusive, and all are welcome.

Apply here: https://form.jotform.com/240291768535059 before the 17th of April.
Do not hesitate to follow us on our new LinkedIn page, as well as on Instagram and X!

For any additional information, visit our website or do not hesitate to contact us, we will be more than happy to answer your questions!

Na vrh

Obvestilo za študente 2. in 3. letnikov vseh programov
Datum: 29.03.2024

Dragi študentje!
UP v sredo, 17. aprila med 11. in 17. uro na Muzejskem trgu (ob UP FAMNIT) organizira SEJEM MAGISTRSKIH IN DOKTORSKIH ŠTUDIJSKIH PROGRAMOV "UPgrade - razširi svoje znanje!".
Sejem je namenjen vsem, ki že razmišljate o možnostih nadaljevanja študija na višji stopnji, pa tudi za tiste, ki vas morda zanima kako kariero nadaljevati na UP kot raziskovalci, asistenti in/ali strokovni sodelavci.
Zadnji dve uri bodo na različnih pogovornih točkah na voljo študentje, Alumni in zaposleni, s katerimi lahko ob kavi poklepetaš o njihovih izkušnjah in vtisih ter se tako lažje odločiš za nadaljevanje. S teboj bodo poklepetali o:
" vzporednem študiju,
" popolni menjavi smeri,
" delni menjavi smeri - pridobivanju drugih kompetenc,
" ponovnem vpisu na isto stopnjo študija po pridobljeni diplomi,
" delu mladega raziskovalca na UP
" delu v strokovnih službah UP
" študiju v zrelilh letih ter
" dokončanju študija po tem, ko ti manjka zgolj še zapis diplome/zaključne naloge.
Se vidimo v sredo, 17. 4. na UPgrade - razširi svoje znanje!

Dear students!
UP is organising the "UPgrade - expand your knowledge!" fair of master's and doctoral programmes on Wednesday, 17 April between 11 am and 5 pm at the Museum Square (next to UP FAMNIT).
The fair is aimed at all those who are already thinking about the possibility of continuing their studies at a higher level, as well as for those who may be interested in pursuing a career at UP as researchers, assistants and/or assistants.
For the last two hours, students, alumni and staff will be available at various talking points to chat over coffee about their experiences and impressions, and help you decide whether to continue. They will chat with you about:
" parallel study,
" changing course completely,
" partial change of course - gaining other competences,
" re-entering the same level of study after graduation,
" working as a young researcher at UP
" working in the professional services of UP
" studying in mature years; and
" completing your studies after you have only your diploma/final thesis to write.

See you on Wednesday 17 April at UPgrade - expand your knowledge!

Na vrh

Seaside Summer Course in German 2024
Datum: 28.03.2024

…Eselsbrücke… Wanderlust… Honigkuchenpferd… Sauklaue.. Drahtesel…
Am Ende des Kurses verstehst Du sogar diese deutsche Wörter; und das sind keine Tiernamen!
At the end of the course you will even understand these German words; and these are not the names of animals!

Die deutsche Sprache lernen - das geht am besten vor Ort in Deutschland selbst. Zum 26. Mal bietet die Jade Hochschule am Studienort Wilhelmshaven vom 29. Juli bis 23. August 2024 den "Sommerdeutschkurs am Meer" an.
The best way to learn German is in Germany. That is why Jade University of Applied Sciences is offering the "Seaside Summer Course in German" in the 26th consecutive year at the campus in Wilhelmshaven from July 29th to August 23rdth 2024.

Vier Wochen lang leben die Studenten in Wilhelmshaven und erweitern ihre Sprachkenntnisse unter professioneller Anleitung in kleinen Gruppen. Am Ende des Kurses erhält jeder Teilnehmer ein Teilnahmezertifikat.
Participants live in Wilhelmshaven for a 4-week period in which they improve their language skills in small groups overseen by qualified teachers. Each participant receives a certificate at the end of the course.

Vormittags werden die Studenten ihren Kenntnissen entsprechend gezielt in kleinen Gruppen gefördert - am Nachmittag wird dann alles "live ausprobiert"! Mit dem Bus fahren, Essen bestellen, sich unterhalten, Exkursionen vor- und nachbereiten, sich treffen….unzählige Möglichkeiten, die Sprache im "richtigen Leben" auszuprobieren, bieten sich täglich! Im Unterricht wird vorbereitet, was bei den Exkursionen benötigt wird: Wie erklärt man den Weg vom Hafen zum Hauptbahnhof, was sind Ebbe und Flut, was sieht man in den besuchten Museen, ….
Five hours of lessons take place in small groups each morning. The afternoons are used to put theory into practice. Placement tests are first conducted in order to find the right course for each participant. It is our goal to train the participants' communicative skills: everyday conversations are practiced to train pronunciation, improve listening skills and use correct grammar. Various cultural topics are worked out in projects or in presentations.

Nähere Information zu dem Sommerdeutschkurs, Kosten, Impressionen vom letzten Jahr und Anmeldung finden Sie unten folgende Website: https://www.jade-hs.de/sommerkurs
More information about the German Summer Course, costs, impressions from the last year and registration you can find under the following webpage: https://www.jade-hs.de/en/international/international-office/language-and-culture/german-as-foreign-language/learning-german-in-germany/

Einen Video zu dem Sommerdeutschkurs finden Sie auch unter folgendem Link auf YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Kw1KH9-lUgA
A video about the German Summer Course you can find on YouTube under the following link https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1&v=Kw1KH9-lUgA

Für alle weitere Fragen stehen wir Ihnen gerne zur Verfügung und freuen uns auf zahlreiche Anmeldungen Ihrerseits!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us and we are looking forward for your applications!

Na vrh

Datum: 21.03.2024

As a representative of the International Student Week in Belgrade (ISWiB 2024),  I would cordially like to notify you about our festival. We would really appreciate it if you would be able to attach our Call for Participants on your website/social media pages, in order to spread the word about the Festival among the public, especially the youth. I hereby send you this announcement with the official Call for Participants enclosed.

I hope you will find this festival interesting and relevant to your students. The festival will take place in Belgrade, Serbia  from the 2nd to the 10th of August. This year's theme is Creativity and initiative under the slogan "Find the spark, leave your mark". We are celebrating our 17th anniversary and we have prepared 8 workshops in various fields for students and recent postgraduates from all around the world, who will be dealing with burning issues of today's society using different methods such as marketing, graphic design, start-up bootcamp, dance, musical and many more. Our intention is also to give all the participants the opportunity to network with each other and create invaluable partnerships. We especially encourage young people with disabilities, as well as members of other vulnerable groups, to sign up and participate. The festival will be adjusted to them in order to promote the importance of their involvement and connection with young people from Serbia and the world. Furthermore, we hope that you will recognize the significance of our event and be willing to contribute to it, as well as help us create a multicultural dialogue among youth.

Here's the link to the application form:

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. For more information, you can visit our website https://iswib.org/.

Na vrh

Datum: 11.03.2024

UP v sodelovanju z Univerzo v Trstu organizira T4EU teden / T4EU Week, ki bo potekal od 20. do 24. maja 2024 in v okviru katerega bodo študenti lahko obiskovali enega od osmih predmetov ter po uspešno opravljenem preizkusu znanja pridobili 3 ECTS kreditne točke:


Vse informacije o ponujenih predmetih so na voljo https://transform4europe.eu/t4eu-week/t4eu-week-trieste-koper/

Predmeti se bodo izvajali v angleškem jeziku. Vsak predmet bo potekal tako v živo kot prek spleta. V živo bo izveden v okviru tedna T4EU, spletni del pa bo potekal pred tem tednom ali po njem.


Študenti Univerze na Primorskem (UP), ki imajo status rednega ali izrednega študenta na dodiplomskih in podiplomskih študijskih programih UP.

Rok za oddajo prijave: 9. april 2024.

Vse informacije so na povezavi https://www.upr.si/si/o-univerzi/novice-in-obvestila/razpis-za-studente-up-za-obiskovanje-studijskih-predmetov-v-okviru-tedna-t4eu

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Vabilo na 5. International Student Conference v Bosni in Hercegovini
Datum: 26.02.2024

University College "CEPS-Center for Business Studies" Kiseljak (Bosnia and Herzegovina) together with Bjelovar University of Applied Sciences (Republic of Croatia) is organizing the 5th International Student Conference under the title "Green Sustainable Future".

We invite all interested students (bacchelor, master degree or PhD) to participate in this conference, demonstrate their research skills, and present their observations, ideas, opinions and knowledge results with colleagues from other institutions.

This year, the student conference will be held 17.5.2024 in Bjelovar. Participation in the student conference is free. The conference will be in a hybrid format, live and online (via ZOOM platform). All presented papers will be published in full in the Conference Proceedings. The official languages of the conference are Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian/English.
More information can be found on this link: https://en.ceps.edu.ba/Novost.aspx?id=974.

Na vrh

Zagovori zaključnih del v poletnih mesecih 2024
Datum: 03.01.2024

Študente obveščamo, da je skrajni rok za oddajo in zagovor zaključnih nalog v študijskem letu 2023/2024 do ponedeljka, 3. 6. 2024 do 12. ure. Do tega roka lahko zaključne naloge oddajo vsi študenti: tako tisti, ki se nameravajo septembra vpisati na magistrski ali doktorski študij, kot tudi tisti, ki ne nameravajo nadaljevati študija. Oddaja naloge za zagovor pomeni, da se s strani mentorja potrjeno nalogo odda v referat v tehnični pregled*.

Zagovori nalog** bodo potekali do 7. 7. 2024 in v obdobju od 19. 8. do 12. 9. 2024.

 *POMEMBNO OPOZORILO:Nalogo je možno oddati v tehnični pregled, tudi če študent/ka nima opravljenih vseh izpitov! Vendar mora oddana naloga dosledno upoštevati navodila (objavljena na prenovljenem spletišču  Pisanje nalog na Turistici), kar je izključna odgovornost študenta! Namreč, v primeru površno tehnično in jezikovno oblikovane naloge, se lahko tehnični pregled in nato ponovni pregled popravkov časovno zavleče, zato fakulteta v tem primeru ne zagotavlja, da bo zagovor organiziran v predvidenem terminu.
**POSEBNI POGOJI GLEDE VRSTNEGA REDA ZAGOVOROV: Časovno prednost pri organiziranju zagovorov v terminu avgust/september bodo imeli tisti študenti, ki se vpisujejo na podiplomski študij. Za njimi bodo prednostno obravnavani kandidati, ki se jim s 30.9.2024 zaključi študijsko leto (študenti, vpisani v tekoči zaključni letnik).
Za kandidate, ki imajo v letu 2023/2024 status absolventa ali pavzirajo, bodo ob morebitnem večjem številu kandidatov zagovori organizirani v oktobru.
Posebej opozarjamo študente, da pred prijavo teme in prijavo zagovora dobro preučijo vsa navodila in vsebine obrazcev, saj je to odgovornost vsakega študenta posebej.
Nalogo za pregled pošljite v Wordu na mail  referat@fts.upr.si

Predhodno je potrebno poslati vse predpisane in ustrezno podpisane obrazce v tajništvo fakultete.
Brez popolne dokumentacije naloge ne bodo obravnavane.

Navodila in pravila za pripravo zaključnih nalog najdete v e-učilnici:
Pisanje nalog na Turistici https://eucilnica.turistica.si/course/view.php?id=608


Administrativni postopki
Izbira teme
Tehnične usmeritve in predloge
Proces pisanja

 Študenti ki še niso prijavili teme zaključnega projekta in želijo imeti zagovor v avgustu/septembru 2024, naj čimprej opravijo postopek najave.

Na vrh

Razpis volitev v ŠS
Datum: 23.10.2023


na spletni strani UP FTŠ in oglasni deski je objavljen razpis volitev v ŠS za študijsko leto 2023/2024.


Na vrh

Izbirni predmet Skrb za lastno zdravje
Datum: 24.08.2023

Izbirni predmet Skrb za lastno zdravje

Letos bo ŠportUP pričnel izvajati izbirni predmet Skrb za lastno zdravje.

Osnovne informacije:

Študenti bodo v študijskem letu 2023/24 lahko pridobili 3 kreditne točke z redno udeležbo že obstoječih Šport UP dejavnosti!
Na voljo bo vsem dodiplomskim študentom na Univerzi na Primorskem. Zaradi prostorskih kapacitet smo število mest pri zunanji izbirnosti omejili vendar načrtujemo razširitev naših kapacitet v sezoni 2024/25.
Vsebine predmeta:
- Uvodno srečanje/seminar (2 uri)
- Terenske vaje (60 ur)
- Predavanja (6 ur)

Več informacij je na voljo na naši spletni strani:

Na vrh

Datum: 14.10.2021

Uradne ure referata za študente na UP FTŠ Turistica

ponedeljek, torek, sreda, petek od 10.00 do 13.00

četrtek 10.00 do 16.00

telefon: 05 61 770 27 ali 28

elektronski naslov: referat@fts.upr.si


Office for Student Affirs - Office hours

Mondey, Thusday, Wednesday, Friday from 10.00 to 13.00

Thusday from 10.00 to 16.00

Phone: 05 61 770 27 or 28

e-mail adress: referat@fts.upr.si

Na vrh

Roki za prijavo in odjavo na izpite in kolokvije!
Datum: 29.09.2020

Roki za prijavo in odjavo na izpite, kot velja po Pravilniku o preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja na UP, tj. je:

za PRIJAVO: prijavi se najkasneje peti (5.) dan pred razpisanim izpitnim rokom; in
za ODJAVO: odjavi se najkasneje v roku treh (3) dni pred razpisanim izpitnim rokom,

Ureditev za zgornje roke je naslednja:

- v kolikor je izpit v PETEK, je zadnji rok za prijavo NEDELJA do polnoči
- v kolikor je izpit v ČETRTEK, je zadnji rok za prijavo SOBOTA do polnoči
- v kolikor je izpit v SREDA, je zadnji rok za prijavo PETEK do polnoči
- v kolikor je izpit v TOREK, je zadnji rok za prijavo ČETRTEK do polnoči
- v kolikor je izpit v PONEDELJEK, je zadnji rok za prijavo SREDA do polnoči

- v kolikor je izpit v PETEK, je zadnji rok za odjavo TOREK do polnoči
- v kolikor je izpit v ČETRTEK, je zadnji rok za odjavo PONEDELJEK do polnoči
- v kolikor je izpit v SREDA, je zadnji rok za odjavo NEDELJA do polnoči
- v kolikor je izpit v TOREK, je zadnji rok za odjavo SOBOTA do polnoči
- v kolikor je izpit v PONEDELJEK, je zadnji rok za odjavo PETEK do polnoči

Na vrh

V veljavo stopa Zakon za urejanje položaja študentov (ZUPŠ)
Datum: 17.11.2017

Obvestilo o novostih, ki jih prinaša ZUPŠ si lahko preberete v dopisu ministrstva visokošolskim zavodom, ki ga dobite na tej spletni povezavi (pod obvestili na strani za uporabnike eVŠ):


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Generiral programski paket VIS