Fakulteta za humanistične študije Koper

Obvestila - Mednarodna pisarna

Zbrano dne 22.11.2023 ob 10:58

Število vseh obvestil: 5

1. obvestilo: 22.11.2023 - Course Announcement: Educational Technology for the Classroom

2. obvestilo: 21.11.2023 - Odsotnost doc. dr. Ane Beguš

3. obvestilo: 21.11.2023 - Razpis za štipendijo Best of South-East (BOSE) za študijsko leto 2024/25

4. obvestilo: 13.11.2023 - VMU Language tasters events

5. obvestilo: 10.11.2023 - Obvestilo o podaljšanem delovnem času knjižnice

Course Announcement: Educational Technology for the Classroom
Datum: 22.11.2023

6-week massive open online course (MOOC) on “How can educational technologies in the classroom meaningfully support teaching and learning?”

22 January 2024 – 1 March 2024 | Saarland University, Germany


As part of the Global Classroom (Internationalization Fund) and the Transform 4 Europe the interdisciplinary department of Educational Technology is offering a 6-week MOOC on the topic “How can educational technologies in the classroom meaningfully support teaching and learning?”. The course is organised by Prof. Dr. Armin Weinberger at the University of Saarland.

Participants will gain an overview of current educational technologies and technology-supported instructional approaches. To this end, participants can take part in the following learning activities:

Participants can achieve up to 3 ECTS from their institution. For more information on the course and information on how to register please contact: w.pfannenstiel@edutech.uni-saarland.de.

All information: https://transform4europe.eu/course-announcement-educational-technology-for-the-classroom/

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Odsotnost doc. dr. Ane Beguš
Datum: 21.11.2023

Obveščamo, da bo doc. dr. Ana Beguš ta teden odsotna.

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Razpis za štipendijo Best of South-East (BOSE) za študijsko leto 2024/25
Datum: 21.11.2023

Na spletni strani UP FHŠ – Mednarodno - Štipendije in študij v tujini je objavljen: Razpis za štipendijo Best of South-East za študijsko leto 2024/25.

Best of South East (BOSE) je štipendijski program na pobudo banke Steiermärkische Sparkasse in je program usposabljanja in izobraževanja za nadarjene in predane študente iz Slovenije, Hrvaške, Bosne in Hercegovine, Srbije, Črne gore in Severne Makedonije.

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VMU Language tasters events
Datum: 13.11.2023

Institute of Foreign Languages of Vytautas Magnus University


The Institute of Foreign Languages of Vytautas Magnus University would like to invite you and university‘s communities to Language tasters events. These are online events aimed at introducing the participants to lesser-taught languages. The events will take place in English. The time provided is EET; therefore, please check the time difference. The information about the events is provided here: https://uki.vdu.lt/language-tasters-at-the-ifl/



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Obvestilo o podaljšanem delovnem času knjižnice
Datum: 10.11.2023

Obveščamo vas, da bo od ponedeljka, 13. novembra 2023, do nadaljnjega v veljavi podaljšan delovni čas Centralne enote UP Univerzitetne knjižnice (Trubarjeva ulica 1, Koper).

Od ponedeljka do četrtka bo knjižnica odprta od 8.00 do 20.00. Ob petkih pa bo knjižnica do nadaljnjega odprta med 8.00 in 18.00.


Delovni čas dislocirane enote knjižnice UP FTŠ - Turistica ostaja nespremenjen.







Notice of extended opening hours of the University Library


From Monday, 13 November 2023, the opening hours of the Central unit UP University Library (Trubarjeva ulica 1, Koper) will be extended until further notice.

From Monday to Thursday, the library will be open from 8.00 to 20.00. On Fridays, the library will be open between 8.00 and 18.00.


Opening hours of dislocated unit library UP FTŠ – Turistica remain unchanged.



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