Univerza na primorskem
Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Glagoljaška 6, SI-6000 Koper
Tel.: (+386 5) 611 75 75
Fax: (+386 5) 611 75 71


Arhiv - Obvestila RAČUNALNIŠTVO IN INFORMATIKA, 1. stopnja

Zbrano dne 15.04.2024 ob 14:25

Število vseh obvestil: 91

1. obvestilo: 02.04.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-4skup (Programming II - Concepts of Programming Languages EN - LV)

2. obvestilo: 25.03.2024 - Program AuPair Slovenija/ AuPair program Slovenia

3. obvestilo: 15.03.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-2skup (Computer Practicum II EN - LV)

4. obvestilo: 14.03.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-1skup (Systems I – Hardware EN - LV)

5. obvestilo: 11.03.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN-GIS (Geographic Information Systems EN (elective) – P + LV)

6. obvestilo: 11.03.2024 - URNIK – sprememba: RIN3-GIS (Geografski informacijski sistemi (izbirni) - P + LV)

7. obvestilo: 07.03.2024 - Theoretical Computer Science II - Formal Languages and Computability - P+LV

8. obvestilo: 05.03.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN (Algebra II EN – SV)

9. obvestilo: 04.03.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN (Theoretical Computer Science III - Information Theory– LV)

10. obvestilo: 04.03.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN-GIS (Geographic Information Systems EN (elective) – LV+P)

11. obvestilo: 01.03.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-4skup (Programming II – LV)

12. obvestilo: 01.03.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN, BF1-EN (Data Programming EN - LV)

13. obvestilo: 29.02.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, MA1-EN (Mathematical Topics in English – SV)

14. obvestilo: 28.02.2024 - REMINDER: Activation of the course requests in SIS

15. obvestilo: 28.02.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: MA3-EN-TG, RIN3-EN-TG (Graph Theory (elective) – P)

16. obvestilo: 28.02.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: MA1-EN, RIN2-EN (Mathematical Topics in English - SV)

17. obvestilo: 28.02.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF1-EN, RIN3-EN-PP (Data programming EN – P)

18. obvestilo: 26.02.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN (Theoretical Computer Science II - Formal Languages and Computability EN – P)

19. obvestilo: 21.02.2024 - Čezmejni zaposlitveno-karierni sejem Koper 2024 / Cross-Border Job and Career Fair Koper 2024

20. obvestilo: 21.02.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN (Systems I – Hardware – P + LV)

21. obvestilo: 21.02.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, MA1-EN (Discrete Mathematics II EN – LV)

22. obvestilo: 19.02.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-1skup, RIN1-2skup, RIN1-3skup, RIN1-4skup, RIN1-5skup (Systems I - LV)

23. obvestilo: 16.02.2024 - Course schedule for the Spring Semester 2023/24 – changes after the course schedules has been published

24. obvestilo: 13.02.2024 - Aktivacija prošenj za predmet v ŠISu / Activation of the requests for courses in SIS

25. obvestilo: 07.02.2024 - Obvestilo o nedostopnosti Mediteranskega centra v Livadah / Notice of unavailability of the Mediterranean Centre in Livade

26. obvestilo: 06.02.2024 - Obvestilo glede dostopa v objekt Kampus Livade / Notice regarding access to the Campus Livade facility

27. obvestilo: 05.02.2024 - UNDERGRADUATE STUDY: Course schedules for Spring Semester 2023/2024

28. obvestilo: 02.02.2024 - Teoretične osnove računalništva I – ustni izpit (RIN1, BF1) / Theoretical Computer Science I – oral exam (RIN1-EN, BF1-EN)

29. obvestilo: 31.01.2024 - READING ROOMS NOW AVAILABLE 24/7

30. obvestilo: 30.01.2024 - Centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru - delovni čas / Central unit of UP University Library in Koper - working hours


32. obvestilo: 18.01.2024 - Odprtje ambulante UP / Opening of UP Clinic


34. obvestilo: 17.01.2024 - UP FAMNIT / Studentska anketa 2023-24 / Student Survey 2023-24

35. obvestilo: 15.01.2024 - Zimsko izpitno obdobje: prijava in odjava od izpita / Winter exam period: registering and withdrawal from the exam

36. obvestilo: 15.01.2024 - Centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru - sprememba delovnega časa / Central unit of UP University Library in Koper - change of working

37. obvestilo: 11.01.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2-EN, RIN3-EN-OSU, RIN2-EN-OSU (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN - P)

38. obvestilo: 11.01.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2-EN, RIN3-EN-OSU, RIN2-EN-OSU-2skup (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN - LV)

39. obvestilo: 08.01.2024 - Obvezne konzultacije po neuspešnem tretjem opravljanju izpita / Obligatory consultations after unsuccessful third attendance of an exam for the same c

40. obvestilo: 03.01.2024 - Publication of Technical Instructions in English language for preparation of final papers on UP FAMNIT

41. obvestilo: 20.12.2023 - Univerzitetna knjižnica - sprememba delovnega časa / University Library - change of working hours

42. obvestilo: 18.12.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-1skup, RIN2-EN-2skup, BF3-EN (Systems III – Information systems EN – LV)

43. obvestilo: 14.12.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-AN, RIN3-EN-AN (English language B2 EN – SV+SE)

44. obvestilo: 11.12.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN (Algebra I – SV)

45. obvestilo: 11.12.2023 - Univerzitetna knjižnica - sprememba delovnega časa / University Library - change of working hours

46. obvestilo: 07.12.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, RIN3-EN (English language B2 (Elective) – SV+SE)

47. obvestilo: 06.12.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2-EN, RIN2-EN-OSU, RIN3-EN-OSU (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining – P)

48. obvestilo: 05.12.2023 - Opravljanje izpitov pri predmetih, pri katerih se je spremenil nosilec / Exam periods for exams where the lecturer has changed

49. obvestilo: 05.12.2023 - Izvedba izpitnih rokov za predmete, ki se v tekočem letu ne izvajajo / Exam periods for courses which are not preformed in current study year

50. obvestilo: 05.12.2023 - Exam terms for the Winter examination period 2023/24

51. obvestilo: 29.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: MA1-EN, BF1-EN, RIN1-EN (Algebra I - EN – Midterm)

52. obvestilo: 29.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN (Analysis I – SV)

53. obvestilo: 28.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN, BF1-EN (TOR I EN – P+SV)

54. obvestilo: 27.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN, BF1-EN (TOR I EN – P+SV)

55. obvestilo: 24.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN-OVV (Multimedia Design (elective) – P)

56. obvestilo: 24.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-INT, RIN3-EN-INT (Human-Computer Interaction (elective) – P)

57. obvestilo: 17.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: MA2-EN-PSA, BF2-EN, RIN2-EN (Data Structures and Algorithms EN - P)

58. obvestilo: 14.11.2023 - MID-TERM SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, BF2-EN (Introduction to Database Systems)

59. obvestilo: 13.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-INT, RIN3-EN-INT (Human–Computer Interaction (elective course) - LV)

60. obvestilo: 13.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF1-EN, RIN1-EN-1skup, RIN1-EN-2skup, RIN1-EN-3skup, RIN1-EN-4skup, RIN1-EN-5skup (Programming I EN – LV)

61. obvestilo: 13.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-1skup, RIN2-EN-2skup (Programming III – Concurrent Programming EN – LV)

62. obvestilo: 10.11.2023 - Obvestilo o podaljšanem delovnem času knjižnice / Notice of extended opening hours of the University Library

63. obvestilo: 03.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-1skup, RIN1-EN-4skup, RIN1-EN-5skup (Programming I – LV)

64. obvestilo: 03.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-1skup, RIN2-EN-2skup (Programming III – Concurrent Programming – LV)

65. obvestilo: 03.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-INT, RIN3-EN-INT (Human-Computer Interaction – LV)

66. obvestilo: 02.11.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, RIN3-EN (English Language (B2 EN) – SV + SE)

67. obvestilo: 27.10.2023 - UP FHŠ – sprememba delovnega časa / UP FHS – change of working hours

68. obvestilo: 25.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN-EN, BF-EN, MA-EN (Computer Practicum EN – LV)

69. obvestilo: 23.10.2023 - UP Univerzitetna knjižnica – sprememba delovnega časa / UP University Library – change of working hours

70. obvestilo: 20.10.2023 - Compulsory and elective courses 2023/24

71. obvestilo: 19.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF1-EN, MA1-EN, RIN1-EN (Analysis I EN – P)

72. obvestilo: 19.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-, BF2-EN (Introduction to Database Systems EN – LV)

73. obvestilo: 16.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF1-EN, MA1-EN, RIN1-EN (Analysis I EN – P)

74. obvestilo: 16.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN, BF2-EN, RIN2-EN (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN - LV)

75. obvestilo: 16.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN, BF2-EN, RIN2-EN (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN - LV)

76. obvestilo: 13.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-1st group (Introduction to Database Systems EN– LV)

77. obvestilo: 12.10.2023 - Sanacijska dela v stavbi UP FHŠ / Renovation work in the building of UP FHŠ

78. obvestilo: 11.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN (Programming I EN (RIN-EN, BF-EN) – LV)

79. obvestilo: 09.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN (Software Engineering EN – LV)

80. obvestilo: 09.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: MA3-EN, RIN3-EN (Cryptography and Computer Safety – P)

81. obvestilo: 06.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: MA3-EN, RIN3-EN (Cryptography and Computer Safety – P)

82. obvestilo: 06.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN (Systems III EN – LV)

83. obvestilo: 05.10.2023 - ERASMUS DNEVI – Pridruži se tudi ti! (od 9. do 14. oktobra) / Join us for ERASMUS DAYS - October 9 to October 14!

84. obvestilo: 05.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN (Multimedia Design – LV)

85. obvestilo: 05.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, RIN3-EN (Human-Computer Interaction – LV)

86. obvestilo: 04.10.2023 - ŠtartUP – športno & družabni dogodek / ŠtartUP – meet & greet event for all UP students

87. obvestilo: 04.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN, BF1-EN, MA1-EN (Computer Practicum I EN – LV)

88. obvestilo: 04.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, RIN3-EN (English Language (B2) – SV + SE)

89. obvestilo: 04.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: PMA-EN, PZ1-EN (Graph Algorithms – P)

90. obvestilo: 03.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN, BF1-EN, MA1-EN (Computer Practicum I EN – LV)

91. obvestilo: 03.10.2023 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN (Systems III EN - LV)

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-4skup (Programming II - Concepts of Programming Languages EN - LV)
Datum: 02.04.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the LV of the course Programming II - Concepts of Programming Languages EN has been cancelled for Friday, April 5th 2024, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Program AuPair Slovenija/ AuPair program Slovenia
Datum: 25.03.2024

Predstavniki AuPair Slovenija bodo v sredo, 27. marca 2024, ob 14:00 uri, v predavalnici B5

(2. nadstropje, Trg Brolo 12, Koper), predstavili program AuPair, ki študentom in študentkam omogoča bivanje in pridobivanje različni veščin in kompetenc skozi delo v Združenih državah Amerike.


Osebe, ki opravljajo delo AuPair, skrbijo za otroke v družini, pripravljene pa morajo biti pomagati tudi pri nekaterih gospodinjskih delih. V zameno jim družina ponudi bivanje in hrano ter nekaj žepnine. Posamezniki preživijo v ZDA nekaj mesecev, čez poletje ali pa celo eno leto ali več.


V predstavitvi možnosti AuPair boste izvedeli, kako se prijaviti, kakšno delo boste opravljati ter kaj od tega lahko pridobite, poleg samega plačila varovanja otrok.

Ne zamudite enkratno priložnost, da izveste več o programu AuPair Slovenija.


On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., in lecture hall B5 (2nd floor, Trg Brolo 12, Koper), representatives of AuPair Slovenia will present the AuPair program, which allows students to stay and acquire various skills and competencies through work in the United States.


AuPairs take care of the children in the family and must be ready to help with some household chores. In return, the family offers them accommodation, food and some pocket money. Individuals spend a few months in the US, over the summer, or even a year or more.


In the presentation of the AuPair option, you will find out how to apply, what kind of work you will be doing and what you can gain from it, in addition to the payment of childcare.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn more about the AuPair Slovenia program Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-2skup (Computer Practicum II EN - LV)
Datum: 15.03.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Computer Practicum II EN has changed for next week (week 25), so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-1skup (Systems I – Hardware EN - LV)
Datum: 14.03.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the classroom of the LV of the course Systems I – Hardware EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN-GIS (Geographic Information Systems EN (elective) – P + LV)
Datum: 11.03.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the P + LV of the course Geographic Information Systems has been cancelled for Tomorrow, March 12th 2024, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

URNIK – sprememba: RIN3-GIS (Geografski informacijski sistemi (izbirni) - P + LV)
Datum: 11.03.2024

Po navodilu izvajalca vas obveščamo, da jutri, 12.03.2024 odpadejo P+LV pri predmetu Geografski informacijski sistemi zato prosimo, da urnik ponovno preverite.

Navedene spremembe so vnešene v urnik na spletni strani fakultete (Urniki).

Referat za študente UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Theoretical Computer Science II - Formal Languages and Computability - P+LV
Datum: 07.03.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the classroom of the P+LV of the course Theoretical Computer Science II - Formal Languages and Computability EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Datum: 05.03.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the lecture room for SV of the course Algebra II EN has changed on March 22nd, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN (Theoretical Computer Science III - Information Theory– LV)
Datum: 04.03.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the classroom of the LV of the course Theoretical Computer Science III - Information Theory has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN-GIS (Geographic Information Systems EN (elective) – LV+P)
Datum: 04.03.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the LV +P of the course Geographic Information Systems has been cancelled for Tomorrow, March 05th 2024, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-4skup (Programming II – LV)
Datum: 01.03.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Programming II has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN, BF1-EN (Data Programming EN - LV)
Datum: 01.03.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the LV of the course Data Programming EN has changed for the next 4 weeks (the lab work will be on-line), so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, MA1-EN (Mathematical Topics in English – SV)
Datum: 29.02.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the SV of the course Mathematical Topics in English has changed for week 25, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

REMINDER: Activation of the course requests in SIS
Datum: 28.02.2024

We would like to remind the students that the requests for courses will be active till Friday, 1 March 2024 till 12:00 (noon), as follows:


The deadline for submitting the requests is  Friday, 1 March 2024 till 12:00 (noon).


Students have to fulfill the request in SIS.


Mandatory attachment, that a student uploads to ŠIS: A mandatory attachment to the request are the consents of the professor of the course a student wants to take.


Students should also attend the course immediately after the beginning of the semester, in order to avoid missed content.


All information are available also on the website: https://www.famnit.upr.si//en/education/requests


Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: MA3-EN-TG, RIN3-EN-TG (Graph Theory (elective) – P)
Datum: 28.02.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the classroom of the P of the course Graph Theory (elective) has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: MA1-EN, RIN2-EN (Mathematical Topics in English - SV)
Datum: 28.02.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the SV of the course Mathematical Topics in English has been cancelled for Tomorrow, February 29th 2024, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF1-EN, RIN3-EN-PP (Data programming EN – P)
Datum: 28.02.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Data programming EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN (Theoretical Computer Science II - Formal Languages and Computability EN – P)
Datum: 26.02.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Theoretical Computer Science II - Formal Languages and Computability EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Čezmejni zaposlitveno-karierni sejem Koper 2024 / Cross-Border Job and Career Fair Koper 2024
Datum: 21.02.2024

Obiščite Čezmejni zaposlitveno-karierni sejem Koper 2024


KDAJ? V četrtek, 29. februarja, med 11. in 17. uro | Arena Bonifika v Kopru.


Vas zanima kje se lahko zaposlite, dobite štipendijo ali opravite študentsko prakso?


Na sejmu se bo predstavilo več kot 100 razstavljavcev iz Italije, Hrvaške in celotne Slovenije, med njimi tudi Univerza na Primorskem!


Podjetja bodo na sejmu predstavila svojo dejavnost in zaposlitvene priložnosti na različnih področjih, od projektnega vodenja do dela v komerciali, prodaji, administraciji, logistiki, zdravstvu, proizvodnji, skladišču in veliko več. Študenti se lahko pogovorijo tudi o možnosti štipendiranja, opravljanja prakse in študentskega dela.


Obiskovalci bodo lahko na sejmu izvedeli več o možnostih izobraževanja, poklicnih prekvalifikacij ter razvoju in realizaciji poslovne ideje.


Vstop na sejem je brezplačen. Obiščite nas na stojnici!


Vse informacije: https://www.ess.gov.si/novica/cezmejni-zaposlitveno-karierni-sejem-koper-2024/




Visit the Cross-Border Job and Career Fair Koper 2024


WHEN? On Thursday, February 29, between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. | Bonifika Arena in Koper.


Are you interested in get a job, a scholarship or complete a student internship?


More than 100 exhibitors from Italy, Croatia and all around Slovenia, including the University of Primorska, will present themselves at the fair!


At the fair, companies will present their activities and job opportunities in various fields, from project management to work in commercial, sales, administration, logistics, health care, production, warehouse and much more. Students can also discuss the possibility of scholarships, internships and student work.


At the fair, visitors will be able to learn more about the possibilities of education, professional retraining and the development and realization of business ideas.


Entry to the fair is free of charge. Visit us!


All information: https://www.ess.gov.si/novica/cezmejni-zaposlitveno-karierni-sejem-koper-2024/

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN (Systems I – Hardware – P + LV)
Datum: 21.02.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that P+LV of the course Systems I – Hardware has been canceled for the current week (week 21), so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, MA1-EN (Discrete Mathematics II EN – LV)
Datum: 21.02.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Discrete Mathematics II EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-1skup, RIN1-2skup, RIN1-3skup, RIN1-4skup, RIN1-5skup (Systems I - LV)
Datum: 19.02.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Systems I has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Course schedule for the Spring Semester 2023/24 – changes after the course schedules has been published
Datum: 16.02.2024

We would like to inform you that the course schedule has been changed. Please check the schedule again. Also check the schedule every week, because weekly changes can differ.

All changes from Monday, 19 February 2024 will be published in the notices of Student Services (https://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/obvestila).


We wish you a good start of the semester.


Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Aktivacija prošenj za predmet v ŠISu / Activation of the requests for courses in SIS
Datum: 13.02.2024

Aktivacija prošenj v ŠISu: Sprememba izbirnega predmeta, opravljanje obveznosti višjega letnika, opravljanje dodatnih obveznosti / Activation of the requests in SIS: Changing the elective courses, additional obligations for the higher year, additional obligations


Študente obveščamo, da bodo prošnje pri predmetu aktivne od ponedeljka, 19. 2. 2024, in sicer:

Rok za oddajo prošenj je petek, 1. 3. 2024 do 12. ure. 

Študent prošnjo izpolni v ŠISu.


POMEMBNO: Obvezna priloga prošnji je soglasje nosilca predmeta, ki ga študent izbira.


Študenti naj se predmeta udeležijo takoj po pričetku semestra, v izogib zamujeni snovi.


Vse informacije so dosegljive tudi na spletni strani: https://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/studenti/prosnje


Referat za študente UP FAMNIT




We would like to inform the students that the requests for courses will be active from Monday, 19 February 2024, as follows:


The deadline for submitting the requests is Friday, 1 March 2024 until 12:00 (noon).


Students have to fulfill the request in SIS.


IMPORTANT: A mandatory attachment to the request is the consent of the professor of the course a student want to take.


Students should also attend the course immediately after the beginning of the semester, in order to avoid missed content.


All information are available also on the website: https://www.famnit.upr.si//en/education/requests


Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

Obvestilo o nedostopnosti Mediteranskega centra v Livadah / Notice of unavailability of the Mediterranean Centre in Livade
Datum: 07.02.2024



zaradi konference ConservePlants, v sklopu COST akcije, bo Mediteranski center v Livadah nedostopen ob naslednjih terminih:


ponedeljek (12.2.): 12-14h; 16-18h

torek (13.2.): 12:30-14:30h

sreda (14.2.): 12:30-14:30h


Lep pozdrav!





because of the ConservePlants conference, within the COST action, the Mediterranean Centre in Livade will be unavalibe in the following periods:


Monday (12.2.): 12-14h; 16-18h

Tuesday (13.2.): 12:30-14:30h

Wednesday (14.2.): 12:30-14:30h


Best regards!

Na vrh

Obvestilo glede dostopa v objekt Kampus Livade / Notice regarding access to the Campus Livade facility
Datum: 06.02.2024



študente bi radi obvestili o času dostopa v Kampus Livade. Študeti imajo dostop od ponedeljka do vključno sobote med 6:00 in 22:00. Vse ure izven časa dostopa je vklopljen varnostni alarm.


Lep pozdrav!





we wolud like to inform the students regarding the timeline for access to the Campus Livade. Students have access from 6 am to 10 pm, Monday to Saturday inclusive. A security alarm is activated at all hours outside the access hours.


Best regards!

Na vrh

UNDERGRADUATE STUDY: Course schedules for Spring Semester 2023/2024
Datum: 05.02.2024

We would like to inform you that the course schedules for all study programmes for the Spring Semester 2023/2024 are published on our website. Lectures start on Monday, 19 February 2024 and last until Friday, 31 May 2024.


On this website you can also find a short clip that will show you how to check the course schedule.


Important information about the course schedule:

Na vrh

Teoretične osnove računalništva I – ustni izpit (RIN1, BF1) / Theoretical Computer Science I – oral exam (RIN1-EN, BF1-EN)
Datum: 02.02.2024



Izvajalec predmeta ToR I nas je obvestil, da bo v terminu, 12. 2. 2024 med 9:00 in 11:00 uro imel oglede izpitov, oglede kolokvijev ter ustne izpite v njegovi pisarni (Kettejeva 1, 1. nadstropje).


Lep pozdrav,






The instructor of the ToR I course informed us that on 12 February 2024, between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m., he will have insights on exams, midterms and oral exams in his office (Kettejeva 1, 1st floor).


Best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Datum: 31.01.2024



We would like to inform you that as of today, 29 January 2024, the 24/7 system of the Central unit University library (Trubarjeva 1, Koper) has been established. The reading rooms of UP UK (Prešernava, Vegova, Trubarjeva, and room for group work) will now be available to users 24 hours a day and ALL days of the week.


ATTENTION: Entry to and exit from UP UK premises is only possible with a user card or with the STUDO application (students). In the event that you take unauthorized material out of the UP UK premises, the door will lock automatically. In case of problems when there are no library staff in the library, please contact the Sintal security service at the phone number: +386 41 879 612.


By entering the premises of the University library, you accept the rules on the general terms and conditions of the UP University library, the document of which can be found in the library or on Reading rooms now available 24/7 (upr.si).


Thank you and best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru - delovni čas / Central unit of UP University Library in Koper - working hours
Datum: 30.01.2024



Obveščamo Vas, da je centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice na Trubarjevi 1 v Kopru odprta 24 ur na dan, vse dni v tednu.

Možna je uporaba čitalnic in računalnikov, za izposojo in vračilo gradiva pa je na voljo knjigomat v Dvorani 1.

Vstop v prostore in izstop iz prostorov UP UK je možen le s kartico uporabnika oz. z aplikacijo STUDO (študenti).

Več informacij na povezavi: https://www.upr.si/si/o-univerzi/univerzitetna-knjiznica/novosti/citalnice-sedaj-na-voljo-247


Lep pozdrav!



Dear users.


We would like to inform you that the central unit of the UP University Library at Trubarjeva 1 in Koper is open 24 hours a day, all days of the week.

You can use the study rooms and computers, and there is a book machine in Hall 1 for borrowing and returning books.

Entry to and exit from the UP UK premises is possible only with the user card or the STUDO application (students).

More information at: https://www.upr.si/en/about-university/university-library/469-news/citalnice-sedaj-na-voljo-247


Best regards!

Na vrh

Datum: 29.01.2024



obveščamo vas, da se je učeraj, 28. 1. 2024 zaključila prijava T4EU Bachelor Tracks za Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas. Do četrtka, 1. 2. 2024, pa so odprte prijave za T4EU Bachelor Tracks Univerza na Primorskem in Universidade Católica Portuguesa:




Za spomladanski semester ponujamo predmete tri univerze članice T4EU, in sicer UP ter Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) (zaključeno) in Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).


UP ponuja študentom T4EU tri predmete:


   English for Management and Marketing,

   Algebraic Graph Theory

   Data Programing;


študenti UP lahko izbirate med objavljenim naborom predmetov UCP.


Lep pozdrav,







We would like to inform you that on January 28, 2024, the application for T4EU Bachelor Tracks for Vytautas Magnus University and Kaunas has been closed. The applications for T4EU Bachelor Tracks University of Primorska and Universidade Católica Portuguesa are open until Thursday, 1 February 2024:




For the spring semester, we offer courses from three T4EU member universities, namely University of Primorska, Vytautas Magnus University (VMU) (closed) and Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP).


UP offers T4EU students three courses:


    English for Management and Marketing,

    Algebraic Graph Theory

    Data Programming;


UP students can choose from the published set of UCP courses.


Best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Odprtje ambulante UP / Opening of UP Clinic
Datum: 18.01.2024



Želeli bi vas opomniti, da od oktobra 2023 obratuje Ambulanta Univerze na Primorskem (Ambulanta UP), ki zagotavlja zdravstveno varstvo za vse študente in zaposlene UP, ki tega nimajo v kraju bivanja, študija ali dela. UP v sodelovanju z ZD Koper izboljšuje zdravstveno varstvo za študente, še posebej za tuje študente in študente drugih regij.


Ambulanta UP deluje v prostorih ZD Koper, Dellavallejeva ulica 3, 6000 Koper (3. Nadstropje). Ambulanta UP deluje vsak torek in četrtek med 15. In 17. uro.


Možnih je več oblik naročanja:




Dear all,


We would like to remind you that the University of Primorska Clinic (UP Clinic) is operating from October 2023, providing health care for all UP students and employees who do not have that at their place of residence, study or work. UP, in cooperation with ZD Koper improves health care for students, especially for foreign students and students from other regions.


The UP Clinic operates at Koper Health Center (ZD Koper), Dellavallejeva ulica 3, 6000 Koper (3rd floor). The clinic is open every Tuesday and Thursday between 15.00 to 17.00 o'clock.


Several ways of making an appointment are possible:


Na vrh

Datum: 17.01.2024

The University of Primorska (UP) has become a full member of the European Transform4Europe University in November 2023, which brings new study opportunities for UP students.

In the spring semester 2024, UP students can choose elective courses from the "T4EU Bachelor Tracks" set prepared by the three T4EU member universities Vytautas Magnus University (VMU), Universidade Católica Portuguesa (UCP) and UP.

The list of subject areas offered to UP students is as follows:

Languages & Intercultural Competencies

Link: https://transform4europe.eu/course-offer-at-bachelor-level/languages-intercultural-competencies/


European History, Politics, Culture, Law, Economy

Link: https://transform4europe.eu/course-offer-at-bachelor-level/european-history/

Environmental Transformation

Link: https://transform4europe.eu/course-offer-at-bachelor-level/environmental-transformation/

Societal Transformation

Media Studies (Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas | ECTS: 4 | BC | Modality: online | Language: English | Start date: February 1, 2024 [Wed, 14:00-15:30, CET])

Sociology and Anthropology (Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas | ECTS: 4 | BC | Modality: online | Language: English | Start date: February 1, 2024 [Wed, 14:00-15:30, CET)

Link: https://transform4europe.eu/course-offer-at-bachelor-level/societal-transformation/ 



1. REGISTRATION: from 15 January 2024

Spring semester 2024:

During the registration process (by clicking on the "Registration" button), the first step is to indicate your interest in the course you have chosen.

Link to the registration:  https://transform4europe.eu/course-offer-at-bachelor-level/


Once your registration is handled, you will be able to access the online course by logging in to the host university’s e-learning platform with your institutional credentials. You may receive further information from your lecturer.

Na vrh

UP FAMNIT / Studentska anketa 2023-24 / Student Survey 2023-24
Datum: 17.01.2024


želimo vas spomniti, da se anketiranje študentov v študijskem letu 2023/24 izvaja prek Študentskega informacijskega sistema (ŠIS) v času od 1. 10. 2023 do 30. 9. 2024.

Izpolnjevanje ankete je obvezno. Del ankete se izpolni pred prijavo na izpit, del ankete pa po vnosu končne ocene. Anketa je anonimna.

Prosimo vas, da anketne vprašalnike izpolnite čim bolj iskreno in odgovorno.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za sodelovanje.

Referat za študente UP FAMNIT

Dear students,

we would like to remind you about the student surveys for the Academic year 2023/24 which are available for you to complete through the Student Information System (column Student Survey) between 1st October 2023 and 30th September 2024.

Completing the survey is obligatory. Part of the survey is completed before the registration for an exam, and part of the survey is completed after entering the final grade. Survey is anonymous.

We kindly ask you to fulfill the surveys honestly and responsibly.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Zimsko izpitno obdobje: prijava in odjava od izpita / Winter exam period: registering and withdrawal from the exam
Datum: 15.01.2024

(*English below*)


Študente spomnimo na pomembnejše informacije vezane na prijavo in odjavo od izpitov v prihajajočem zimskem izpitnem obdobju:

Dan pred izpitom v ŠIS-u preverite morebitne spremembe ure in predavalnice izpitnega roka, zaradi morebitnih sprememb pri izvedbi. Študente o navedenih spremembah ne bomo posebej obveščali.


Prijava na izpitni rok preko ŠISa je potrebna tudi v primeru, če ste končno oceno pri predmetu dosegli z vmesnimi preverjanji (npr. kolokviji) ali gre samo za vpis opravljene študijske obveznosti ali opravljenega seminarja na magistrskem ali doktorskem študiju.



K posameznemu izpitu se lahko prijavite najprej 15. dan pred pričetkom izpitnega obdobja in najkasneje 5. dan pred razpisanim izpitnim rokom (PRIMER PRIJAVE: v kolikor je izpit v PONEDELJEK, 22. 1., je zadnji rok za prijavo SREDA, 17. 1. do polnoči).


V kolikor imate za izbrani predmet že »odprto« preteklo prijavo, ki še ni zaključena, se na naslednji izpitni rok pri tem predmetu ne morete prijaviti. V primeru odprte prijave pravočasno obvestite Referat in nosilca predmeta po e-pošti. Le v primeru, da bo vaše sporočilo posredovano v roku, ko je še možna prijava na izpit, (to je najkasneje 5. dan pred razpisanim drugim izpitnim rokom), vas bo na izpit lahko prijavil Referat.


Težave s prijavo na izpitni rok

V kolikor imate težave s prijavo na izpitni rok preko ŠIS-a, o tem pravočasno obvestite Referat za študente UP FAMNIT (referat@famnit.upr.si). V primeru, da bo vaše sporočilo posredovano v roku, ko je še možna prijava na izpit (pri e-pošti se upošteva dan in uro, ko je bilo posredovano e-sporočilo), vas bo na izpit prijavil Referat. V primeru, da vaše sporočilo ne bo pravočasno posredovano Referatu, prijava preko Referata ni možna.



Rok za odjavo je najkasneje 3 dni pred razpisanim izpitnim rokom. Če študent ne pristopi k izpitu, za katerega ima odprto prijavnico, se mu izpitni rok ne šteje v šest možnih pristopov. Če se študent ne odjavi pravočasno od izpita, lahko pristopi k naslednjemu izpitnemu roku šele po preteku tridesetih (30) dni (PRIMER ODJAVE: v kolikor je izpit v PONEDELJEK, 22. 1., je zadnji rok za odjavo PETEK, 19. 1. do polnoči).


V primeru nepričakovanih, a opravičljivih razlogov (npr. bolezen), ki nastopijo en dan pred oz. na dan izpita, torej po preteku roka odjave, mora študent še pred izpitom obvestiti nosilca predmeta in Referat.


Prijava k izpitu ni možna, če ima študent neporavnane finančne obveznosti do fakultete v skupnem znesku več kot 30,00 EUR. Svoje odprte finančne obveznosti do fakultete lahko v ŠIS-u preverite v rubriki Moji podatki / Moje finance.


Račun za četrto in nadaljnjo prijavo k izpitu pri predmetu ter opravljanje izpita pri predmetu za osebe, ki so brez statusa študenta (pavzerji) več kot eno leto, prejme študent na e-naslov, in sicer po datumu izpita.



Naj vas opomnimo, da je po neuspešnem tretjem opravljanju izpita pri istem predmetu obvezna izvedba konzultacij z izvajalcem predmeta. V primeru neuspešnega tretjega opravljanja izpita pri istem predmetu se študent ne bo mogel prijaviti na četrto opravljanje izpita, v kolikor pred tem ne bo opravil obveznih konzultacij.


Za izvedbo konzultacij mora študent kontaktirati izvajalca predmeta pravočasno.


Konzultacije morajo biti izvedene pravočasno, saj je od tega odvisna tudi prijava na izpit. Pri tem mora študent imeti v mislih, da lahko pride do nepredvidenih ali obveznih opravičljivih odsotnosti izvajalcev, zato mora študent kontaktirati izvajalca vsaj 14 dni pred PRIJAVO na izpit. Izvajalec bo študentu v ŠIS vnesel datum opravljenih konzultacij, s tem pa bo študentu omogočena prijava na naslednji izpitni rok.


Veliko uspeha v prihajajočem izpitnem obdobju.





We would like to remind you of some important information related to Winter examination period:

Students must register for the exams through ŠIS. Please take notice of the Instructions of use for students in SIS. The document is available after you log in SIS.



You register to the exam through Student Information System - SIS in the menu Exams / Exam registration.


The registration to the exam is possible up to 15 days before the start of examination period (earlier registration is not possible).


The registration to the exam is possible at least 5 days before the exam date.

Example: if the exam is on Monday, 22 January, you can register until Wednesday, 17 January until midnight.


The registration to the exam term is necessary also if you have achieved the final grade with colloquia, so the professor can enter your grade in the system.


A student can take the exam for the same course six (6) times during the studies.


If you cannot register for the exam during the registration deadline (due to technical problems of the SIS, an open registration for a previous exam date, etc.) you should immediately notify the UP FAMNIT Student Services (referat@famnit.upr.si). If your message has been submitted within the listed registration deadline (based on the date/time your email was forwarded) the Student Services can enter your exam registration. If the message has been forwarded outside the scheduled deadline, the registration through the UP FAMNIT Student Services is not possible.



You cancel the exam through Student Information System - SIS in the menu Exams / Cancellation of the exam.


The cancellation of the exam is possible at least 3 days before the exam.

Example: if the exam is on Monday, 22 January, you can cancel your registration until Friday, 19 January until midnight.


If the student doesn’t cancel the exam registration in time, it will not be considered that he/she took the exam and it will not be counted into 6 (six) possible attempts. In this case the student cannot register for the next exam term for at least 30 days.


If you wish to cancel an exam registration, but you cannot do this due to technical problems of the SIS, you should immediately notify the UP FAMNIT Student Office (referat@famnit.upr.si, 05 611 75 75). If your message has been submitted before the listed registration deadline (based on the date/time the email was forwarded), the Student Office can cancel your exam registration. If your message has been submitted outside this deadline, the cancellation through the UP FAMNIT Student Office is not possible.



Let us remind you that after unsuccessful third attendance at exam for the same course a consultations with the professor are obligatory. In this case the student will not be able to register for the fourth time, unless he/she completes the obligatory consultations with the professor.


Student is obligated to contact the professor regarding the consultations date in a timely matter.

Consultations have to be done on time, otherwise the registration for the next exam will not be possible. Because the professors can have unpredictable or obligatory absences, the student must contact the professor about consultations at least 14 days before the APPLICATION to the exam.


After the consultations, the professor will enter it's date in SIS. Afterwards the register for an exam will be possible.



When the debt reaches 30 EUR, the student cannot register for exams. Any outstanding library debt is entered into the SIS when it reaches 30 EUR.


Good luck!

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru - sprememba delovnega časa / Central unit of UP University Library in Koper - change of working
Datum: 15.01.2024



Obveščamo Vas, da bo centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru v tednu od ponedeljka, 15. 1. 2024 do petka, 19. 1. 2024, izjemoma odprta od 8.00 do 16.00.


Hvala za razumevanje!



Dear users.


From Monday, 15. 1. 2024, to Friday, 19. 1. 2024, the central unit of UP University Library in Koper will be open from 8.00 to 16.00.


Thank you for your understanding!

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2-EN, RIN3-EN-OSU, RIN2-EN-OSU (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN - P)
Datum: 11.01.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN has changed for tomorrow, Friday, January 12th 2024, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2-EN, RIN3-EN-OSU, RIN2-EN-OSU-2skup (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN - LV)
Datum: 11.01.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN has changed for tomorrow, Friday, January 12th 2024, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Obvezne konzultacije po neuspešnem tretjem opravljanju izpita / Obligatory consultations after unsuccessful third attendance of an exam for the same c
Datum: 08.01.2024



ker se izpitno obdobje bliža, vas želimo opomniti, da je po tretjem neuspešnem opravljanju izpita pri istem predmetu obvezna izvedba konzultacij z izvajalcem predmeta. V primeru neuspešnega tretjega opravljanja izpita pri istem predmetu se študent ne bo mogel prijaviti na četrto opravljanje izpita, v kolikor pred tem ne bo opravil obveznih konzultacij.


Za izvedbo konzultacij mora študent kontaktirati izvajalca predmeta pravočasno.


Konzultacije morajo biti izvedene pravočasno, saj je od tega odvisna tudi prijava na izpit. Pri tem mora študent imeti v mislih, da lahko pride do nepredvidenih ali obveznih opravičljivih odsotnosti izvajalcev, zato mora študent kontaktirati izvajalca vsaj 14 dni pred PRIJAVO na izpit. Izvajalec bo študentu v ŠIS vnesel datum opravljenih konzultacij, s tem pa bo študentu omogočena prijava na naslednji izpitni rok.





Dear students,


because the exam period is approaching let us remind you that after unsuccessful third attendance of an exam for the same course a consultations with the professor are obligatory. In this case the student will not be able to register for the fourth time, unless he/she completes the obligatory consultations with the professor.


Student is obligated to contact the professor regarding the consultations date in a timely matter.

Consultations have to be done on time, otherwise the registration for the next exam will not be possible. Because the professors can have unpredictable or obligatory absences, the student must contact the professor about consultations at least 14 days before the APPLICATION to the exam.


After the consultations, the professor will enter it's date in SIS. Afterwards the register for an exam will be possible.


Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Publication of Technical Instructions in English language for preparation of final papers on UP FAMNIT
Datum: 03.01.2024



We would like to inform you that the technical instructions in English language for preparation of final papers (Final project paper and Master's Thesis) are now available on our website. Instructions are available under the section Education / Final Works – for undergraduate and master's study programmes separately.

Final project paper: https://www.famnit.upr.si/en/education/Diploma-thesis

Master's Thesis: https://www.famnit.upr.si/en/education/Masters-thesis


Best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Univerzitetna knjižnica - sprememba delovnega časa / University Library - change of working hours
Datum: 20.12.2023



Obveščamo vas, da bosta obe enoti UP Univerzitetne knjižnice (v Kopru in Portorožu) med prazniki, od 25. decembra 2023 do 2. januarja 2024, zaprti za uporabnike.


Obe enoti bosta svoja vrata ponovno odprli v sredo, 3. januarja 2024. Zamudnine v času, ko je knjižnica zaprta za uporabnike, ne tečejo.


V prihajajočem letu 2024 vam želimo veliko sreče, zdravja in uspeha, še posebej pa veliko dobrega branja!



Dear users.


We inform you that both units of the UP University Library (in Koper and Portorož) will be closed from 25 December 2023 to 2 January 2024.


Both units will reopen their doors on Wednesday, 3 January 2024. Late fees do not apply when the library is closed for users.


In 2024 we wish you a lot of happiness, health, and success, and especially a lot of good reading!

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-1skup, RIN2-EN-2skup, BF3-EN (Systems III – Information systems EN – LV)
Datum: 18.12.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Systems III – Information systems EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-AN, RIN3-EN-AN (English language B2 EN – SV+SE)
Datum: 14.12.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the SV+SE of the course English language B2 EN has changed for today, December 14th 2023, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Datum: 11.12.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the SV of the course Algebra I has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Univerzitetna knjižnica - sprememba delovnega časa / University Library - change of working hours
Datum: 11.12.2023



Obveščamo Vas, da bo UP Univerzitetna knjižnica v torek, 12. 12. 2023, izjemoma odprta od 8.00 do 16.00.


Hvala za razumevanje!



Dear users.


On Tuesday, 12. 12. 2023, UP University Library will be open from 8.00 to 16.00.


Thank you for your understanding!

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, RIN3-EN (English language B2 (Elective) – SV+SE)
Datum: 07.12.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the SV+SE of the course English language B2 (Elective) has changed for today, December 7th 2023, so please check the course schedule again. The part of the lecture that was removed today will be added to the schedule at a later date. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2-EN, RIN2-EN-OSU, RIN3-EN-OSU (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining – P)
Datum: 06.12.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the P of the course Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Opravljanje izpitov pri predmetih, pri katerih se je spremenil nosilec / Exam periods for exams where the lecturer has changed
Datum: 05.12.2023

Študenti, ki so predmet poslušali v preteklih študijskih letih, pa izpita še niso opravili, opravljajo izpit pri »novem« nosilcu. Samo izjemoma in v kolikor dosedanji nosilec soglaša, lahko študenti, ki so opravili vse obveznosti za pristop k izpitu, najkasneje v enem letu po spremembi nosilca, še opravljajo izpit pri dosedanjem nosilcu. Za dodatni izpitni rok se ti študenti obrnejo neposredno na dosedanjega nosilca predmeta in z njim uskladijo termin izpita, ki mora biti v času izpitnega obdobja, nosilec predmeta pa termin vsaj 7 dni pred izpitom sporoči v Referat za študente UP FAMNIT.

Referat za študente UP FAMNIT


Students who already participated at the course and did not complete the exam, must participate to the exam of a »new« lecturer. Only in exceptional situations and to the extent that the current lecturer agrees, the student is allowed to participate to the exam of a previous lecturer. The condition is also that the student completed all the obligations which are demanded for the participation to the exam, no longer than a year before the change of lecturer. The date must be arranged directly with the lecturer in the timely matter and should be forwarded to Student Services 7 days before exam term. The arranged exam term must be during the exam period.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Izvedba izpitnih rokov za predmete, ki se v tekočem letu ne izvajajo / Exam periods for courses which are not preformed in current study year
Datum: 05.12.2023

V kolikor se predmet v tekočem študijskem letu ne izvaja, se morajo študenti, ki so predmet poslušali v preteklih študijskih letih, pa izpita še niso opravili, za razpis izpitnega roka pri predmetu obrniti neposredno na nosilca predmeta in z njim uskladiti termin izpita. Dogovorjeni termin mora nosilec predmeta vsaj 7 dni pred izpitom sporočiti/potrditi v Referat za študente UP FAMNIT.

Referat za študente UP FAMNIT


If the course is not preformed in the current study year the students who already participated at course must contact the lecturer for the arrangement of exam periods. The date must be arranged in the timely matter and should be forwarded to Student Services 7 days before exam period.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Exam terms for the Winter examination period 2023/24
Datum: 05.12.2023

We would like to inform you that the exam terms for the Winter examination period (22. 1. - 16. 2. 2024) are visible in the Student information System (SIS).


We would like to emphasize that the exam dates are announced in accordance with the wishes of the lecturers, the faculty's capabilities (room occupancy), and the Rules on the examination and assessment of knowledge at the UP.


Students must register for the exams through SIS. Please take notice of the Instructions of use for students in SIS. The document is available after you log in SIS. Students are also advised to read the Rules on the examination and assessment of knowledge at the University of Primorska, which are available here: https://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/resources/files/o-fakulteti/pravilniki-obrazci/202021.10ppoznpb-prevod-v-ang.pdf


Overview Of The Exam Dates

In the “MY EXAM DATES” section, you can find exam dates for the courses from your index. To check the dates, select the course you wish to check the examination dates for in THE “COURSE TITLE” field. Click on “SUBMIT” to display all future exam dates for the selected course.


Good luck with the upcoming examination period.

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: MA1-EN, BF1-EN, RIN1-EN (Algebra I - EN – Midterm)
Datum: 29.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the midterm of the course Algebra I - EN will be on December 12th 2023, during P of that same course. The midterm is visible in SIS where you need to register for it.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Datum: 29.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the SV of the course Analysis I has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Datum: 28.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the P +SV of the course TOR I EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Datum: 27.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the P +SV of the course TOR I EN has been cancelled for Wednesday, November 29th 2023, so please check the course schedule again. The replacement will be announced at a later date. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN-OVV (Multimedia Design (elective) – P)
Datum: 24.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Multimedia Design (elective) has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-INT, RIN3-EN-INT (Human-Computer Interaction (elective) – P)
Datum: 24.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Human-Computer Interaction (elective) has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: MA2-EN-PSA, BF2-EN, RIN2-EN (Data Structures and Algorithms EN - P)
Datum: 17.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Data Structures and Algorithms EN has changed from November 22nd to November 30th 2023, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

MID-TERM SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, BF2-EN (Introduction to Database Systems)
Datum: 14.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the mid-term of the course Introduction to Database Systems will be on November 22nd, 8:30 AM in classroom VP1, so please check the schedule. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).


Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-INT, RIN3-EN-INT (Human–Computer Interaction (elective course) - LV)
Datum: 13.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Human–Computer Interaction (elective course) has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF1-EN, RIN1-EN-1skup, RIN1-EN-2skup, RIN1-EN-3skup, RIN1-EN-4skup, RIN1-EN-5skup (Programming I EN – LV)
Datum: 13.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Programming I EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-1skup, RIN2-EN-2skup (Programming III – Concurrent Programming EN – LV)
Datum: 13.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Programming III – Concurrent Programming EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Obvestilo o podaljšanem delovnem času knjižnice / Notice of extended opening hours of the University Library
Datum: 10.11.2023


obveščamo vas, da bo od ponedeljka, 13. novembra 2023, do nadaljnjega v veljavi podaljšan delovni čas Centralne enote UP Univerzitetne knjižnice (Trubarjeva ulica 1, Koper).

Od ponedeljka do četrtka bo knjižnica odprta od 8.00 do 20.00. Ob petkih pa bo knjižnica do nadaljnjega odprta med 8.00 in 18.00.

Delovni čas dislocirane enote knjižnice UP FTŠ - Turistica ostaja nespremenjen.







Dear Students,

From Monday, 13 November 2023, the opening hours of the Central unit UP University Library (Trubarjeva ulica 1, Koper) will be extended until further notice.

From Monday to Thursday, the library will be open from 8.00 to 20.00. On Fridays, the library will be open between 8.00 and 18.00.

Opening hours of dislocated unit library UP FTŠ – Turistica remain unchanged.



Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN-1skup, RIN1-EN-4skup, RIN1-EN-5skup (Programming I – LV)
Datum: 03.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Programming I has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-1skup, RIN2-EN-2skup (Programming III – Concurrent Programming – LV)
Datum: 03.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Programming III – Concurrent Programming has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-INT, RIN3-EN-INT (Human-Computer Interaction – LV)
Datum: 03.11.2023

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-INT, RIN3-EN-INT (Human-Computer Interaction – LV)


According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Human-Computer Interaction has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, RIN3-EN (English Language (B2 EN) – SV + SE)
Datum: 02.11.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the SV + SE of the course English Language (B2 EN) has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

UP FHŠ – sprememba delovnega časa / UP FHS – change of working hours
Datum: 27.10.2023



Obveščamo vas, da bo UP FHŠ v ponedeljek, 30. oktobra 2023, ZAPRTA zaradi kolektivnega dopusta.


Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.



Dear Students,


UP FHS will be CLOSED on Monday, 30 October 2023, due to collective leave.


Thank you for understanding.

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN-EN, BF-EN, MA-EN (Computer Practicum EN – LV)
Datum: 25.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Computer Practicum EN has changed on December 1st 2023, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

UP Univerzitetna knjižnica – sprememba delovnega časa / UP University Library – change of working hours
Datum: 23.10.2023



Obveščamo vas, da bo UP Univerzitetna knjižnica v ponedeljek, 30. oktobra 2023, ZAPRTA zaradi kolektivnega dopusta.


Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.



Dear Students,


UP University Library will be CLOSED on Monday, 30 October 2023, due to collective leave.


Thank you for understanding.

Na vrh

Compulsory and elective courses 2023/24
Datum: 20.10.2023

We would like to inform all students that on our website (Education/ Courses 2023/24) you can find information about the compulsory and elective courses in undergraduate and Master’s study programmes in the academic year 2023/24. The list is published in English only for study programmes in English, for other programmes it is available only in Slovene (Študij/ Izvedba 2023/24).

In case of changes, the information will be updated.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Datum: 19.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the SV of the course Analysis I EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-, BF2-EN (Introduction to Database Systems EN – LV)
Datum: 19.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Introduction to Database Systems EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Datum: 16.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Analysis I EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN, BF2-EN, RIN2-EN (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN - LV)
Datum: 16.10.2023

We inform you that the previous change (published today, 16 October) for the schedule for LV for the course Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN has been cancelled. Please check the course schedule again.
The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).
Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN, BF2-EN, RIN2-EN (Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN - LV)
Datum: 16.10.2023

We inform you that the schedule for LV for the course Introduction to Machine Learning and Data Mining EN has changed. Please check the course schedule again.
The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).
Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN-1st group (Introduction to Database Systems EN– LV)
Datum: 13.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Introduction to Database Systems EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Sanacijska dela v stavbi UP FHŠ / Renovation work in the building of UP FHŠ
Datum: 12.10.2023



Obveščamo vas, da v stavbi UP FHŠ potekajo nujna sanacijska dela hladilno-ogrevalnega sistema.

Dela se bodo izvajala tako, da čim manj motijo izvedbo predavanj in drugih aktivnosti v stavbi.

V kolikor bo potrebno, bodo nekatere ženske sanitarije zaradi varnosti zaklenjene.


Hkrati vas obveščamo, da je podaljšan urnik vstopa na UP FHŠ brez kartic, in sicer:


Prosimo vas tudi, da za dostop do predavalnic uporabljate stopnice. Dvigalo bodo potrebovali izvajalci za prenos opreme in materiala.


Zahvaljujemo se za razumevanje in strpnost,


Referat UP FHŠ



Dear Students,


We would like to inform you that renovation work on the heating and cooling system is taking place in the UP FHŠ building.

The work will be carried out in a way that minimizes disruption to lectures and other activities in the building.

If necessary, some women's restrooms will be locked for safety reasons.


Also the schedule for entry to UP FHŠ without student ID cards has been extended as follows:


We kindly ask you to use the stairs for access to classrooms. The elevator will be needed by contractors for transporting equipment and material.


Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Student office UP FHŠ

Na vrh

Datum: 11.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Programming I EN has changed for this Friday, October 13th, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN (Software Engineering EN – LV)
Datum: 09.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Software Engineering EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again. The division of students into groups will be defined by the course lecturer.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: MA3-EN, RIN3-EN (Cryptography and Computer Safety – P)
Datum: 09.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Cryptography and Computer Safety has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: MA3-EN, RIN3-EN (Cryptography and Computer Safety – P)
Datum: 06.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Cryptography and Computer Safety has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Datum: 06.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Systems III EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

ERASMUS DNEVI – Pridruži se tudi ti! (od 9. do 14. oktobra) / Join us for ERASMUS DAYS - October 9 to October 14!
Datum: 05.10.2023

Z veseljem vas obveščamo ter obenem prisrčno vabimo, da se pridružite razburljivim aktivnostim, ki jih organiziramo v sklopu Erasmus dni, med 9. in 14. oktobrom.


Za študente na UP FAMNIT pripravljamo dve interaktivni delavnici o možnostih Erasmus+ mobilnosti za študente, in sicer:


Delavnica I: Erasmus+ praktično usposabljanje


           Datum: ponedeljek, 9. oktober

           Ura: 14:00 - 15:15

           Lokacija: FAMNIT VP3 in preko Zooma


Delavnica II: Erasmus+ študijska izmenjava


           Datum: torek, 10. oktober

           Ura: 12:30 - 14:45

           Lokacija: FAMNIT VP3 in preko Zooma


Delavnici sta namenjeni seznanitvi študentov z možnostmi Erasmus+ mobilnosti, pri čemer bo v ospredju aktiven dialog med študenti, ki so se že udeležili Erasmus+ izmenjav in študenti, ki se za izmenjavo šele zanimajo ali pripravljajo.


ERASMUS+ WORLD CAFE (11. oktober)


Z željo po spodbujanju mobilnosti v sklopu programov Erasmus+, smo se na Univerzi na Primorskem odločili pridružiti vseevropskemu projektu ERASMUS DAYS in organizirati Erasmus+ World Cafe.


Na dogodek vljudno vabimo vse študente UP, tiste, ki razmišljate o Erasmus+ izmenjavi kot tudi te, ki ste že bili in ste pripravljeni deliti svojo izkušnjo.


Dogodek je zasnovan v obliki spoščenega sejma, kjer bodo omizja posamezne države (Portugalska, Norveška, Češka, Finska, Španija, Italija in druge) in bo potekal v sredo, 11. oktobra, od 13.00 - 16.00 ure, pred MixUP (atrij Rektorata).


Na dogodku ste lahko prisotni ves čas ali delno. Za vse informacije vam bodo na voljo predstavniki mednarodnih pisarn vseh fakultet UP kot tudi Erasmus Student Network Primorska.



Pred pričetkom sejma bo ob 13.00 potekala uradna otvoritev razstave “Moja Erasmus+ izkušnja”, ki jo bo odprl UP prorektor za internacionalizacijo, prof. dr. Michaël Mrissa.


Vaša prisotnost in sodelovanje bosta neprecenljiva za uspeh te pobude.


Za lažjo organizacijo, vas vabimo, da se na Erasmus+ World Cafe prijavite TUKAJ.


Več o projektu Erasmus days: https://www.erasmusdays.eu/

Prijavnica: https://forms.office.com/e/DDv5hqu2Vq


Informacije o UP odhodnih mobilnosti: https://www.upr.si/si/studenti-up/754-mednarodna-mobilnost/odhodna-mobilnost/






We are thrilled to announce and warmly invite you to join the exciting activities we've organized for Erasmus Days, taking place from October 9th to October 14th.


Discover the world of Erasmus mobility with two exciting workshops at UP FAMNIT:


Erasmus+ Student Mobility Workshop I: Traineeships


           Date: Monday, October 9

           Time: 14:00 - 15:15

           Location: FAMNIT VP3 and via Zoom


Erasmus+ Student Mobility Workshop II: Studies


           Date: Tuesday, October 10

           Time: 12:30 - 14:45

           Location: FAMNIT VP3 and via Zoom


Can't make it in person? No problem! These workshops are also accessible virtually through Zoom Meetings.


Our mission is to provide valuable insights into Erasmus mobility opportunities, focusing on practical advice from those who have been there. This is your chance to get answers to all your burning questions about Erasmus mobility.




We are thrilled to announce an exciting event aimed at enhancing mobility opportunities within the Erasmus+ programs at the University of Primorska, the upcoming Erasmus+ World Cafe event, organized as part of the European initiative ERASMUS DAYS.


The Erasmus+ World Cafe is designed to bring together UP students who have already been on an exchange program, as well as those who are contemplating the idea of embarking on an international exchange adventure.


The Erasmus+ World Cafe will take place in the form of a fair, featuring country-specific tables (Portugal, Norway, Czech Republic, Finland, Spain, Italy and others), so we invite you to mark your calendars for Wednesday, 11 October, from 13.00 to 16.00. The event will take place in front of the MixUP space (Rectorate Atrium). 


The international offices of all UP faculties as well as the Erasmus Student Network Primorska will be at your assistance for all information.


Before the fair starts, the official opening of the exhibition “My Erasmus+ experience” will take place at 13.00 in Armeria Hall, and will be opened by the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, Prof. Dr. Michaël Mrissa.


Your active participation will not only contribute to the success of the event, but we believe we will motivate many aspiring students to pursuit mobility experiences.


Please sign in for the Erasmus+ World Cafe HERE.


More about the project: https://www.erasmusdays.eu/

Application link: https://forms.office.com/e/DDv5hqu2Vq

Information on outgoing UP mobility: https://www.upr.si/en/students-up/754-international-mobility/756-outgoing-mobility/


Thank you in advance for participating.

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN (Multimedia Design – LV)
Datum: 05.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Multimedia Design has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, RIN3-EN (Human-Computer Interaction – LV)
Datum: 05.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Human-Computer Interaction has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

ŠtartUP – športno & družabni dogodek / ŠtartUP – meet & greet event for all UP students
Datum: 04.10.2023

ŠtartUP – športno & družabni dogodek za VSE študente UP


Kdaj?: 7. 10. 2023, 10.00-17.00

Kje?: Obmorski park Žusterna, Koper 

Kaj?: Spoznavanje - Druženje - Igre - Zabava 

Dogodek je namenjen vsem študentom UP, torej tako brucem kot obstoječim študentom vseh stopenj in letnikov. Na dogodku se bruci in brucke povežejo med seboj in spoznajo s starejšimi študenti. Poseben pečat medsebojnega povezovanja je mreženje s strokovnimi in pedagoškimi sodelavci univerze.

Predstavile se bodo vse fakultete UP in njene enote ter več kot 40 lokalnih organizacij, društev, zavodov, podjetij, ki so pripravili zabavne aktivnosti skozi katere vam bodo bližje predstavili svoje delovanje in možnosti vključevanja ter sodelovanja tekom študijskega leta. ŠportUP (uradna rekreacija študentov UP) bo poskrbel za športne aktivnosti - badminton, zorbing.

Študentje boste lahko na stojnicah zbirali žige na kartonu, ki ga prejmete ob registraciji na dogodku. Zadostno število žigov vam prinese praktično promocijsko darilo.

Za vse sodelujoče bo organizirano kosilo, vendar vas zaradi želje po trajnejšemu ravnanju (»zero waste«) spodbujamo, da s seboj prinesete pribor in globlji krožnik ali posodico. Na prizorišču bosta postavljena pitnika Rižanskega vodovoda, zato s seboj imejte bidon oz. flaško za hidracijo. Lokacija dogodka tudi letos omogoča neizmerne možnosti poležavanja na sončku, zato imejte v nahrbtniku ali torbi tudi kakšno kopalno brisačo ali piknik odejo.

Prijava za študente UP: https://forms.office.com/e/eXhLneqiuU

Se vidimo to soboto v Obmorskem parku Žusterna, od 10. ure dalje!

Univerza na Primorskem


ŠtartUP – meet & greet event for all UP students

When?: 7. 10. 2022, od/ from 10.00

Where?: Obmorski park Žusterna, Koper

What?: Meet - Socialise - Games – Fun

The event is organized for ALL students of the University of Primorska. It is a perfect chance to meet, socialize and network with students as well as with university’s administrative and pedagogical staff.

At the event all the faculties of the University of Primorska and more than 40 local organisations, associations, institutions, and companies will present themselves and their possibilities for extracurricular activities for UP students. Each booth prepared a fun activity that gets you a stamp on your StartUP stamp collection card, after you successfully complete it. SportUP (official recreation of the students of the UP) will take care of the fun sports activities (badminton, zorbing, "štrbunk").

Lunch will be provided for all participants, but in the interest of "zero waste” sustainability, we encourage you to bring your own cutlery and a deeper plate or bowl. There will be drinking fountain with running water at the venue, so please bring your own water bottle for hydration. The location of the event provides ample opportunities for lounging in the sun, so keep a bath towel or picnic blanket in your rucksack or bag.

Students of the University of Primorska can apply for the event here: https://forms.office.com/e/eXhLneqiuU

See you this Saturday in Žusterna Seaside Park, from 10 am!

University of Primorska

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN, BF1-EN, MA1-EN (Computer Practicum I EN – LV)
Datum: 04.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Computer Practicum I EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN2-EN, RIN3-EN (English Language (B2) – SV + SE)
Datum: 04.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the course English Language (B2) has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

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COURSE SCHEDULE: PMA-EN, PZ1-EN (Graph Algorithms – P)
Datum: 04.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the P of the course Graph Algorithms has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT


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COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN, BF1-EN, MA1-EN (Computer Practicum I EN – LV)
Datum: 03.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Computer Practicum I EN has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

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Datum: 03.10.2023

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the schedule of the LV of the course Systems II EN for the group RIN2-EN-1skup has changed, so please check the course schedule again.

The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

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Generiral programski paket VIS