Univerza na primorskem
Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Glagoljaška 6, SI-6000 Koper
Tel.: (+386 5) 611 75 75
Fax: (+386 5) 611 75 71


Arhiv - Obvestila DOKTORSKI ŠTUDIJ

Zbrano dne 19.04.2024 ob 08:35

Število vseh obvestil: 16

1. obvestilo: 25.03.2024 - Program AuPair Slovenija/ AuPair program Slovenia

2. obvestilo: 11.03.2024 - Evropski poletni tečaj 2024 in možnost štipendiranja / European Summer Course 2024 and scholarship opportunities

3. obvestilo: 21.02.2024 - Čezmejni zaposlitveno-karierni sejem Koper 2024 / Cross-Border Job and Career Fair Koper 2024

4. obvestilo: 07.02.2024 - Obvestilo o nedostopnosti Mediteranskega centra v Livadah / Notice of unavailability of the Mediterranean Centre in Livade

5. obvestilo: 30.01.2024 - Centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru - delovni čas / Central unit of UP University Library in Koper - working hours

6. obvestilo: 18.01.2024 - Odprtje ambulante UP / Opening of UP Clinic

7. obvestilo: 17.01.2024 - UP FAMNIT / Studentska anketa 2023-24 / Student Survey 2023-24

8. obvestilo: 15.01.2024 - Centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru - sprememba delovnega časa / Central unit of UP University Library in Koper - change of working

9. obvestilo: 20.12.2023 - Univerzitetna knjižnica - sprememba delovnega časa / University Library - change of working hours

10. obvestilo: 11.12.2023 - Univerzitetna knjižnica - sprememba delovnega časa / University Library - change of working hours

11. obvestilo: 10.11.2023 - Obvestilo o podaljšanem delovnem času knjižnice / Notice of extended opening hours of the University Library

12. obvestilo: 27.10.2023 - UP FHŠ – sprememba delovnega časa / UP FHS – change of working hours

13. obvestilo: 23.10.2023 - UP Univerzitetna knjižnica – sprememba delovnega časa / UP University Library – change of working hours

14. obvestilo: 12.10.2023 - Sanacijska dela v stavbi UP FHŠ / Renovation work in the building of UP FHŠ

15. obvestilo: 05.10.2023 - ERASMUS DNEVI – Pridruži se tudi ti! (od 9. do 14. oktobra) / Join us for ERASMUS DAYS - October 9 to October 14!

16. obvestilo: 04.10.2023 - ŠtartUP – športno & družabni dogodek / ŠtartUP – meet & greet event for all UP students

Program AuPair Slovenija/ AuPair program Slovenia
Datum: 25.03.2024

Predstavniki AuPair Slovenija bodo v sredo, 27. marca 2024, ob 14:00 uri, v predavalnici B5

(2. nadstropje, Trg Brolo 12, Koper), predstavili program AuPair, ki študentom in študentkam omogoča bivanje in pridobivanje različni veščin in kompetenc skozi delo v Združenih državah Amerike.


Osebe, ki opravljajo delo AuPair, skrbijo za otroke v družini, pripravljene pa morajo biti pomagati tudi pri nekaterih gospodinjskih delih. V zameno jim družina ponudi bivanje in hrano ter nekaj žepnine. Posamezniki preživijo v ZDA nekaj mesecev, čez poletje ali pa celo eno leto ali več.


V predstavitvi možnosti AuPair boste izvedeli, kako se prijaviti, kakšno delo boste opravljati ter kaj od tega lahko pridobite, poleg samega plačila varovanja otrok.

Ne zamudite enkratno priložnost, da izveste več o programu AuPair Slovenija.


On Wednesday, March 27, 2024, at 2:00 p.m., in lecture hall B5 (2nd floor, Trg Brolo 12, Koper), representatives of AuPair Slovenia will present the AuPair program, which allows students to stay and acquire various skills and competencies through work in the United States.


AuPairs take care of the children in the family and must be ready to help with some household chores. In return, the family offers them accommodation, food and some pocket money. Individuals spend a few months in the US, over the summer, or even a year or more.


In the presentation of the AuPair option, you will find out how to apply, what kind of work you will be doing and what you can gain from it, in addition to the payment of childcare.

Don't miss this unique opportunity to learn more about the AuPair Slovenia program Na vrh

Evropski poletni tečaj 2024 in možnost štipendiranja / European Summer Course 2024 and scholarship opportunities
Datum: 11.03.2024

V letu 2024 bo Inštitut-Evropa, v sodelovanju z Europäische Akademie OtzenhausenASKO Europa-Stiftung in Evropsko univerzitetno zvezo Transform4Europeponovno organizirala poletni tečaj o političnih, pravnih in gospodarskih razvojih Evropske unije.


Evropski poletni tečaj 2024 pod sloganom #TacklingCurrentWorldCha(lle)nges, bo potekal od 29. julija do 7. avgusta 2024 na Evropski akademiji Otzenhausen.


Za študente članic Transform4Europe pa so na voljo tudi štipendije, ki pokrivajo šolnino, terenske vaje, polni penzion (vse obroke) in nastanitev med trajanjem poletne šole!  


Študenti lahko pridobijo tudi do 4 ali 5 kreditnih točk, odvisno od dela.


Rok za prijave je 15. april 2024. 


Za vsa vprašanja lahko pišete na: esc@europainstitut.de.  


Vse informacije o poletni šoli: https://europainstitut.de/esc



In 2024, the Europa-Institut, in cooperation with the Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, the ASKO Europa-Stiftung and the European University Alliance Transform4Europe, is once again offering a summer course on the political, legal and economic developments of the European Union. 


There are scholarships scholarships available to students of the universities of the Transform4Europe Alliance that cover the program fee, field trips, full board (all meals) and lodging during the duration of the Summer Course!  


Students can also gain up to 4 or 5 ECTS, depending on their workload. 


The European Summer Course 2024, will take place from 29 July to 7 August 2024 at the European Academy Otzenhausen.  


Deadline for applications is 15 April 2024. 


For question contact: esc@europainstitut.de 


All further information: https://europainstitut.de/esc

Na vrh

Čezmejni zaposlitveno-karierni sejem Koper 2024 / Cross-Border Job and Career Fair Koper 2024
Datum: 21.02.2024

Obiščite Čezmejni zaposlitveno-karierni sejem Koper 2024


KDAJ? V četrtek, 29. februarja, med 11. in 17. uro | Arena Bonifika v Kopru.


Vas zanima kje se lahko zaposlite, dobite štipendijo ali opravite študentsko prakso?


Na sejmu se bo predstavilo več kot 100 razstavljavcev iz Italije, Hrvaške in celotne Slovenije, med njimi tudi Univerza na Primorskem!


Podjetja bodo na sejmu predstavila svojo dejavnost in zaposlitvene priložnosti na različnih področjih, od projektnega vodenja do dela v komerciali, prodaji, administraciji, logistiki, zdravstvu, proizvodnji, skladišču in veliko več. Študenti se lahko pogovorijo tudi o možnosti štipendiranja, opravljanja prakse in študentskega dela.


Obiskovalci bodo lahko na sejmu izvedeli več o možnostih izobraževanja, poklicnih prekvalifikacij ter razvoju in realizaciji poslovne ideje.


Vstop na sejem je brezplačen. Obiščite nas na stojnici!


Vse informacije: https://www.ess.gov.si/novica/cezmejni-zaposlitveno-karierni-sejem-koper-2024/




Visit the Cross-Border Job and Career Fair Koper 2024


WHEN? On Thursday, February 29, between 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. | Bonifika Arena in Koper.


Are you interested in get a job, a scholarship or complete a student internship?


More than 100 exhibitors from Italy, Croatia and all around Slovenia, including the University of Primorska, will present themselves at the fair!


At the fair, companies will present their activities and job opportunities in various fields, from project management to work in commercial, sales, administration, logistics, health care, production, warehouse and much more. Students can also discuss the possibility of scholarships, internships and student work.


At the fair, visitors will be able to learn more about the possibilities of education, professional retraining and the development and realization of business ideas.


Entry to the fair is free of charge. Visit us!


All information: https://www.ess.gov.si/novica/cezmejni-zaposlitveno-karierni-sejem-koper-2024/

Na vrh

Obvestilo o nedostopnosti Mediteranskega centra v Livadah / Notice of unavailability of the Mediterranean Centre in Livade
Datum: 07.02.2024



zaradi konference ConservePlants, v sklopu COST akcije, bo Mediteranski center v Livadah nedostopen ob naslednjih terminih:


ponedeljek (12.2.): 12-14h; 16-18h

torek (13.2.): 12:30-14:30h

sreda (14.2.): 12:30-14:30h


Lep pozdrav!





because of the ConservePlants conference, within the COST action, the Mediterranean Centre in Livade will be unavalibe in the following periods:


Monday (12.2.): 12-14h; 16-18h

Tuesday (13.2.): 12:30-14:30h

Wednesday (14.2.): 12:30-14:30h


Best regards!

Na vrh

Centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru - delovni čas / Central unit of UP University Library in Koper - working hours
Datum: 30.01.2024



Obveščamo Vas, da je centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice na Trubarjevi 1 v Kopru odprta 24 ur na dan, vse dni v tednu.

Možna je uporaba čitalnic in računalnikov, za izposojo in vračilo gradiva pa je na voljo knjigomat v Dvorani 1.

Vstop v prostore in izstop iz prostorov UP UK je možen le s kartico uporabnika oz. z aplikacijo STUDO (študenti).

Več informacij na povezavi: https://www.upr.si/si/o-univerzi/univerzitetna-knjiznica/novosti/citalnice-sedaj-na-voljo-247


Lep pozdrav!



Dear users.


We would like to inform you that the central unit of the UP University Library at Trubarjeva 1 in Koper is open 24 hours a day, all days of the week.

You can use the study rooms and computers, and there is a book machine in Hall 1 for borrowing and returning books.

Entry to and exit from the UP UK premises is possible only with the user card or the STUDO application (students).

More information at: https://www.upr.si/en/about-university/university-library/469-news/citalnice-sedaj-na-voljo-247


Best regards!

Na vrh

Odprtje ambulante UP / Opening of UP Clinic
Datum: 18.01.2024



Želeli bi vas opomniti, da od oktobra 2023 obratuje Ambulanta Univerze na Primorskem (Ambulanta UP), ki zagotavlja zdravstveno varstvo za vse študente in zaposlene UP, ki tega nimajo v kraju bivanja, študija ali dela. UP v sodelovanju z ZD Koper izboljšuje zdravstveno varstvo za študente, še posebej za tuje študente in študente drugih regij.


Ambulanta UP deluje v prostorih ZD Koper, Dellavallejeva ulica 3, 6000 Koper (3. Nadstropje). Ambulanta UP deluje vsak torek in četrtek med 15. In 17. uro.


Možnih je več oblik naročanja:




Dear all,


We would like to remind you that the University of Primorska Clinic (UP Clinic) is operating from October 2023, providing health care for all UP students and employees who do not have that at their place of residence, study or work. UP, in cooperation with ZD Koper improves health care for students, especially for foreign students and students from other regions.


The UP Clinic operates at Koper Health Center (ZD Koper), Dellavallejeva ulica 3, 6000 Koper (3rd floor). The clinic is open every Tuesday and Thursday between 15.00 to 17.00 o'clock.


Several ways of making an appointment are possible:


Na vrh

UP FAMNIT / Studentska anketa 2023-24 / Student Survey 2023-24
Datum: 17.01.2024


želimo vas spomniti, da se anketiranje študentov v študijskem letu 2023/24 izvaja prek Študentskega informacijskega sistema (ŠIS) v času od 1. 10. 2023 do 30. 9. 2024.

Izpolnjevanje ankete je obvezno. Del ankete se izpolni pred prijavo na izpit, del ankete pa po vnosu končne ocene. Anketa je anonimna.

Prosimo vas, da anketne vprašalnike izpolnite čim bolj iskreno in odgovorno.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za sodelovanje.

Referat za študente UP FAMNIT

Dear students,

we would like to remind you about the student surveys for the Academic year 2023/24 which are available for you to complete through the Student Information System (column Student Survey) between 1st October 2023 and 30th September 2024.

Completing the survey is obligatory. Part of the survey is completed before the registration for an exam, and part of the survey is completed after entering the final grade. Survey is anonymous.

We kindly ask you to fulfill the surveys honestly and responsibly.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru - sprememba delovnega časa / Central unit of UP University Library in Koper - change of working
Datum: 15.01.2024



Obveščamo Vas, da bo centralna enota UP Univerzitetne knjižnice v Kopru v tednu od ponedeljka, 15. 1. 2024 do petka, 19. 1. 2024, izjemoma odprta od 8.00 do 16.00.


Hvala za razumevanje!



Dear users.


From Monday, 15. 1. 2024, to Friday, 19. 1. 2024, the central unit of UP University Library in Koper will be open from 8.00 to 16.00.


Thank you for your understanding!

Na vrh

Univerzitetna knjižnica - sprememba delovnega časa / University Library - change of working hours
Datum: 20.12.2023



Obveščamo vas, da bosta obe enoti UP Univerzitetne knjižnice (v Kopru in Portorožu) med prazniki, od 25. decembra 2023 do 2. januarja 2024, zaprti za uporabnike.


Obe enoti bosta svoja vrata ponovno odprli v sredo, 3. januarja 2024. Zamudnine v času, ko je knjižnica zaprta za uporabnike, ne tečejo.


V prihajajočem letu 2024 vam želimo veliko sreče, zdravja in uspeha, še posebej pa veliko dobrega branja!



Dear users.


We inform you that both units of the UP University Library (in Koper and Portorož) will be closed from 25 December 2023 to 2 January 2024.


Both units will reopen their doors on Wednesday, 3 January 2024. Late fees do not apply when the library is closed for users.


In 2024 we wish you a lot of happiness, health, and success, and especially a lot of good reading!

Na vrh

Univerzitetna knjižnica - sprememba delovnega časa / University Library - change of working hours
Datum: 11.12.2023



Obveščamo Vas, da bo UP Univerzitetna knjižnica v torek, 12. 12. 2023, izjemoma odprta od 8.00 do 16.00.


Hvala za razumevanje!



Dear users.


On Tuesday, 12. 12. 2023, UP University Library will be open from 8.00 to 16.00.


Thank you for your understanding!

Na vrh

Obvestilo o podaljšanem delovnem času knjižnice / Notice of extended opening hours of the University Library
Datum: 10.11.2023


obveščamo vas, da bo od ponedeljka, 13. novembra 2023, do nadaljnjega v veljavi podaljšan delovni čas Centralne enote UP Univerzitetne knjižnice (Trubarjeva ulica 1, Koper).

Od ponedeljka do četrtka bo knjižnica odprta od 8.00 do 20.00. Ob petkih pa bo knjižnica do nadaljnjega odprta med 8.00 in 18.00.

Delovni čas dislocirane enote knjižnice UP FTŠ - Turistica ostaja nespremenjen.







Dear Students,

From Monday, 13 November 2023, the opening hours of the Central unit UP University Library (Trubarjeva ulica 1, Koper) will be extended until further notice.

From Monday to Thursday, the library will be open from 8.00 to 20.00. On Fridays, the library will be open between 8.00 and 18.00.

Opening hours of dislocated unit library UP FTŠ – Turistica remain unchanged.



Na vrh

UP FHŠ – sprememba delovnega časa / UP FHS – change of working hours
Datum: 27.10.2023



Obveščamo vas, da bo UP FHŠ v ponedeljek, 30. oktobra 2023, ZAPRTA zaradi kolektivnega dopusta.


Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.



Dear Students,


UP FHS will be CLOSED on Monday, 30 October 2023, due to collective leave.


Thank you for understanding.

Na vrh

UP Univerzitetna knjižnica – sprememba delovnega časa / UP University Library – change of working hours
Datum: 23.10.2023



Obveščamo vas, da bo UP Univerzitetna knjižnica v ponedeljek, 30. oktobra 2023, ZAPRTA zaradi kolektivnega dopusta.


Zahvaljujemo se vam za razumevanje.



Dear Students,


UP University Library will be CLOSED on Monday, 30 October 2023, due to collective leave.


Thank you for understanding.

Na vrh

Sanacijska dela v stavbi UP FHŠ / Renovation work in the building of UP FHŠ
Datum: 12.10.2023



Obveščamo vas, da v stavbi UP FHŠ potekajo nujna sanacijska dela hladilno-ogrevalnega sistema.

Dela se bodo izvajala tako, da čim manj motijo izvedbo predavanj in drugih aktivnosti v stavbi.

V kolikor bo potrebno, bodo nekatere ženske sanitarije zaradi varnosti zaklenjene.


Hkrati vas obveščamo, da je podaljšan urnik vstopa na UP FHŠ brez kartic, in sicer:


Prosimo vas tudi, da za dostop do predavalnic uporabljate stopnice. Dvigalo bodo potrebovali izvajalci za prenos opreme in materiala.


Zahvaljujemo se za razumevanje in strpnost,


Referat UP FHŠ



Dear Students,


We would like to inform you that renovation work on the heating and cooling system is taking place in the UP FHŠ building.

The work will be carried out in a way that minimizes disruption to lectures and other activities in the building.

If necessary, some women's restrooms will be locked for safety reasons.


Also the schedule for entry to UP FHŠ without student ID cards has been extended as follows:


We kindly ask you to use the stairs for access to classrooms. The elevator will be needed by contractors for transporting equipment and material.


Thank you for your understanding and patience.


Student office UP FHŠ

Na vrh

ERASMUS DNEVI – Pridruži se tudi ti! (od 9. do 14. oktobra) / Join us for ERASMUS DAYS - October 9 to October 14!
Datum: 05.10.2023

Z veseljem vas obveščamo ter obenem prisrčno vabimo, da se pridružite razburljivim aktivnostim, ki jih organiziramo v sklopu Erasmus dni, med 9. in 14. oktobrom.


Za študente na UP FAMNIT pripravljamo dve interaktivni delavnici o možnostih Erasmus+ mobilnosti za študente, in sicer:


Delavnica I: Erasmus+ praktično usposabljanje


           Datum: ponedeljek, 9. oktober

           Ura: 14:00 - 15:15

           Lokacija: FAMNIT VP3 in preko Zooma


Delavnica II: Erasmus+ študijska izmenjava


           Datum: torek, 10. oktober

           Ura: 12:30 - 14:45

           Lokacija: FAMNIT VP3 in preko Zooma


Delavnici sta namenjeni seznanitvi študentov z možnostmi Erasmus+ mobilnosti, pri čemer bo v ospredju aktiven dialog med študenti, ki so se že udeležili Erasmus+ izmenjav in študenti, ki se za izmenjavo šele zanimajo ali pripravljajo.


ERASMUS+ WORLD CAFE (11. oktober)


Z željo po spodbujanju mobilnosti v sklopu programov Erasmus+, smo se na Univerzi na Primorskem odločili pridružiti vseevropskemu projektu ERASMUS DAYS in organizirati Erasmus+ World Cafe.


Na dogodek vljudno vabimo vse študente UP, tiste, ki razmišljate o Erasmus+ izmenjavi kot tudi te, ki ste že bili in ste pripravljeni deliti svojo izkušnjo.


Dogodek je zasnovan v obliki spoščenega sejma, kjer bodo omizja posamezne države (Portugalska, Norveška, Češka, Finska, Španija, Italija in druge) in bo potekal v sredo, 11. oktobra, od 13.00 - 16.00 ure, pred MixUP (atrij Rektorata).


Na dogodku ste lahko prisotni ves čas ali delno. Za vse informacije vam bodo na voljo predstavniki mednarodnih pisarn vseh fakultet UP kot tudi Erasmus Student Network Primorska.



Pred pričetkom sejma bo ob 13.00 potekala uradna otvoritev razstave “Moja Erasmus+ izkušnja”, ki jo bo odprl UP prorektor za internacionalizacijo, prof. dr. Michaël Mrissa.


Vaša prisotnost in sodelovanje bosta neprecenljiva za uspeh te pobude.


Za lažjo organizacijo, vas vabimo, da se na Erasmus+ World Cafe prijavite TUKAJ.


Več o projektu Erasmus days: https://www.erasmusdays.eu/

Prijavnica: https://forms.office.com/e/DDv5hqu2Vq


Informacije o UP odhodnih mobilnosti: https://www.upr.si/si/studenti-up/754-mednarodna-mobilnost/odhodna-mobilnost/






We are thrilled to announce and warmly invite you to join the exciting activities we've organized for Erasmus Days, taking place from October 9th to October 14th.


Discover the world of Erasmus mobility with two exciting workshops at UP FAMNIT:


Erasmus+ Student Mobility Workshop I: Traineeships


           Date: Monday, October 9

           Time: 14:00 - 15:15

           Location: FAMNIT VP3 and via Zoom


Erasmus+ Student Mobility Workshop II: Studies


           Date: Tuesday, October 10

           Time: 12:30 - 14:45

           Location: FAMNIT VP3 and via Zoom


Can't make it in person? No problem! These workshops are also accessible virtually through Zoom Meetings.


Our mission is to provide valuable insights into Erasmus mobility opportunities, focusing on practical advice from those who have been there. This is your chance to get answers to all your burning questions about Erasmus mobility.




We are thrilled to announce an exciting event aimed at enhancing mobility opportunities within the Erasmus+ programs at the University of Primorska, the upcoming Erasmus+ World Cafe event, organized as part of the European initiative ERASMUS DAYS.


The Erasmus+ World Cafe is designed to bring together UP students who have already been on an exchange program, as well as those who are contemplating the idea of embarking on an international exchange adventure.


The Erasmus+ World Cafe will take place in the form of a fair, featuring country-specific tables (Portugal, Norway, Czech Republic, Finland, Spain, Italy and others), so we invite you to mark your calendars for Wednesday, 11 October, from 13.00 to 16.00. The event will take place in front of the MixUP space (Rectorate Atrium). 


The international offices of all UP faculties as well as the Erasmus Student Network Primorska will be at your assistance for all information.


Before the fair starts, the official opening of the exhibition “My Erasmus+ experience” will take place at 13.00 in Armeria Hall, and will be opened by the Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, Prof. Dr. Michaël Mrissa.


Your active participation will not only contribute to the success of the event, but we believe we will motivate many aspiring students to pursuit mobility experiences.


Please sign in for the Erasmus+ World Cafe HERE.


More about the project: https://www.erasmusdays.eu/

Application link: https://forms.office.com/e/DDv5hqu2Vq

Information on outgoing UP mobility: https://www.upr.si/en/students-up/754-international-mobility/756-outgoing-mobility/


Thank you in advance for participating.

Na vrh

ŠtartUP – športno & družabni dogodek / ŠtartUP – meet & greet event for all UP students
Datum: 04.10.2023

ŠtartUP – športno & družabni dogodek za VSE študente UP


Kdaj?: 7. 10. 2023, 10.00-17.00

Kje?: Obmorski park Žusterna, Koper 

Kaj?: Spoznavanje - Druženje - Igre - Zabava 

Dogodek je namenjen vsem študentom UP, torej tako brucem kot obstoječim študentom vseh stopenj in letnikov. Na dogodku se bruci in brucke povežejo med seboj in spoznajo s starejšimi študenti. Poseben pečat medsebojnega povezovanja je mreženje s strokovnimi in pedagoškimi sodelavci univerze.

Predstavile se bodo vse fakultete UP in njene enote ter več kot 40 lokalnih organizacij, društev, zavodov, podjetij, ki so pripravili zabavne aktivnosti skozi katere vam bodo bližje predstavili svoje delovanje in možnosti vključevanja ter sodelovanja tekom študijskega leta. ŠportUP (uradna rekreacija študentov UP) bo poskrbel za športne aktivnosti - badminton, zorbing.

Študentje boste lahko na stojnicah zbirali žige na kartonu, ki ga prejmete ob registraciji na dogodku. Zadostno število žigov vam prinese praktično promocijsko darilo.

Za vse sodelujoče bo organizirano kosilo, vendar vas zaradi želje po trajnejšemu ravnanju (»zero waste«) spodbujamo, da s seboj prinesete pribor in globlji krožnik ali posodico. Na prizorišču bosta postavljena pitnika Rižanskega vodovoda, zato s seboj imejte bidon oz. flaško za hidracijo. Lokacija dogodka tudi letos omogoča neizmerne možnosti poležavanja na sončku, zato imejte v nahrbtniku ali torbi tudi kakšno kopalno brisačo ali piknik odejo.

Prijava za študente UP: https://forms.office.com/e/eXhLneqiuU

Se vidimo to soboto v Obmorskem parku Žusterna, od 10. ure dalje!

Univerza na Primorskem


ŠtartUP – meet & greet event for all UP students

When?: 7. 10. 2022, od/ from 10.00

Where?: Obmorski park Žusterna, Koper

What?: Meet - Socialise - Games – Fun

The event is organized for ALL students of the University of Primorska. It is a perfect chance to meet, socialize and network with students as well as with university’s administrative and pedagogical staff.

At the event all the faculties of the University of Primorska and more than 40 local organisations, associations, institutions, and companies will present themselves and their possibilities for extracurricular activities for UP students. Each booth prepared a fun activity that gets you a stamp on your StartUP stamp collection card, after you successfully complete it. SportUP (official recreation of the students of the UP) will take care of the fun sports activities (badminton, zorbing, "štrbunk").

Lunch will be provided for all participants, but in the interest of "zero waste” sustainability, we encourage you to bring your own cutlery and a deeper plate or bowl. There will be drinking fountain with running water at the venue, so please bring your own water bottle for hydration. The location of the event provides ample opportunities for lounging in the sun, so keep a bath towel or picnic blanket in your rucksack or bag.

Students of the University of Primorska can apply for the event here: https://forms.office.com/e/eXhLneqiuU

See you this Saturday in Žusterna Seaside Park, from 10 am!

University of Primorska

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