Univerza na primorskem
Fakulteta za matematiko, naravoslovje in informacijske tehnologije

Glagoljaška 6, SI-6000 Koper
Tel.: (+386 5) 611 75 75
Fax: (+386 5) 611 75 71


Arhiv - Obvestila BIOINFORMATIKA, 1. stopnja

Zbrano dne 19.02.2025 ob 08:03

Število vseh obvestil: 44

1. obvestilo: 14.02.2025 - Course schedule for the Spring Semester 2024/25 – changes after the course schedules has been published

2. obvestilo: 14.02.2025 - Urnik spomladanskega semestra 2024/25 - naknadne spremembe po objavi

3. obvestilo: 06.02.2025 - Izredni izpitni rok RIN1, BF1– TOR1 / Supplementary examination date RIN1-EN, BF1-EN –TOR1-EN

4. obvestilo: 03.02.2025 - UNDERGRADUATE STUDY: Course schedules for Spring Semester 2024/25

5. obvestilo: 03.02.2025 - DODIPLOMSKI ŠTUDIJ: Urniki za spomladanski semester 2024/25

6. obvestilo: 31.01.2025 - Bachelor Tracks pomlad 2025

7. obvestilo: 16.01.2025 - Izpolnjevanje anket / filling out surveys

8. obvestilo: 16.01.2025 - Študentska anketa 2024-25 / Student Survey 2024-25

9. obvestilo: 15.01.2025 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – LV)

10. obvestilo: 15.01.2025 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P + SE)

11. obvestilo: 13.01.2025 - Zimsko izpitno obdobje: prijava in odjava od izpita – opomnik / Exam terms for the Winter examination period - reminder

12. obvestilo: 08.01.2025 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – LV)

13. obvestilo: 08.01.2025 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P+SE)

14. obvestilo: 07.01.2025 - Obvezne konzultacije po neuspešnem tretjem opravljanju izpita / Obligatory consultations after unsuccessful third attendance of an exam for the same c

15. obvestilo: 30.12.2024 - Student Services: change of the working hours, 1st January 2025

16. obvestilo: 23.12.2024 - Student Services: change of the working hours, 30 and 31 December 2024

17. obvestilo: 18.12.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – LV)

18. obvestilo: 18.12.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P + SE)

19. obvestilo: 18.12.2024 - Visibility of notifications (SIS)

20. obvestilo: 12.12.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3 - EN (Biotechnology – LV)

21. obvestilo: 12.12.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3 - EN (Biotechnology – P + SE)

22. obvestilo: 10.12.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3- EN – SE + SV (Evolutionary and population genetics – SE + SV)

23. obvestilo: 10.12.2024 - URNIK – sprememba: BF2 – 1 in BF2- EN – LV (Temelji fizike z biofiziko – LV) COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2 – 1 and BF2- EN – LV (Foundations of physics with b

24. obvestilo: 03.12.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P + SE)

25. obvestilo: 03.12.2024 - Practical training

26. obvestilo: 02.12.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN, BF1-EN (Computer Practicum – LV)

27. obvestilo: 02.12.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2-EN, MA2-EN Analysis III – Functions of Many Variables – LV)

28. obvestilo: 29.11.2024 - Objava izpitnih rokov za zimsko izpitno obdobje 2024/25 / Exam terms for the Winter examination period 2024/25

29. obvestilo: 28.11.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Evolutionary Biology– P)

30. obvestilo: 27.11.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P+SE, LV)

31. obvestilo: 19.11.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN-EN, BF-EN (Computer Practicum-EN – LV)

32. obvestilo: 11.11.2024 - Entry to Galeb

33. obvestilo: 07.11.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN, BF3-EN (Multimedia Design – P)

34. obvestilo: 06.11.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN-EN, BF-EN (Computer Practicum- LV)

35. obvestilo: 06.11.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN, MA2-EN (Introduction to Numerical Calculations - SV)

36. obvestilo: 28.10.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3 EN, MA2 EN (SV – Introduction to Numerical Calculation)

37. obvestilo: 24.10.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: MA EN (Basics of numerical computation)

38. obvestilo: 23.10.2024 - Compulsory and elective courses 2024/25

39. obvestilo: 15.10.2024 - Sprememba uradnih ur Referata za študente, 16. 10. 2024 / Student Services: change of the working hours, 16. 10. 2024

40. obvestilo: 15.10.2024 - COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN, BF1-EN (TOR I EN – LV)

41. obvestilo: 14.10.2024 - Izgubljeni/najdeni predmeti / Lost/found items

42. obvestilo: 10.10.2024 - OPOMNIK: Rok za oddajo prošenj za predmet v ŠISu / REMINDER: Deadline of the course requests in SIS

43. obvestilo: 08.10.2024 - UP se pridružuje Erasmus Days z razstavo in Erasmus+ World Café / UP participates in the Erasmus Days with an exhibition and an Erasmus+ World Café

44. obvestilo: 08.10.2024 - Nov režim vhoda/izhoda - dvorišče med objekti Rektorata UP in objekta UP FHŠ / New entrance/exit regime - courtyard between the buildings of the UP Re

Course schedule for the Spring Semester 2024/25 – changes after the course schedules has been published
Datum: 14.02.2025

We would like to inform you that the course schedule has been changed. Please check the schedule again. Also check the schedule every week, because weekly changes can differ.

From Monday, 17th February 2025 the Student Services will enter all changes into the course schedule and publish the notice about the change only for changes on the same day and the following 2 days. Please check the course schedule daily.


We would also like to inform you the entrance into buildings on Trg Brolo 12, Koper and Livade 1.0, Izola is possible only with the student card.


Student Services UP FAMNIT Na vrh

Urnik spomladanskega semestra 2024/25 - naknadne spremembe po objavi
Datum: 14.02.2025

Obveščamo vas, da je bil urnik po objavi še spremenjen, zato vas prosimo, da urnik ponovno natančno preverite. Posebej opozarjamo, da je potrebno preveriti urnik za vsak posamičen teden semestra.

Od vključno ponedeljka, 17. 02. 2025 dalje bo Referat vse spremembe urnika vnesel v spletni urnik, pri tem bo obvestilo o spremembi objavil le, če se sprememba zgodi v istem dnevu in za naslednje dva dni. Študente prosimo, da urnik preverjajo vsak dan.

Hkrati vas obveščamo, da je vstop v predavalnice, ki so na naslovu Trg Brolo 12 v Kopru in v objektu Livade 1.0 v Izoli, možen le s študentsko izkaznico.


Referat za študente UP FAMNIT



Na vrh

Izredni izpitni rok RIN1, BF1– TOR1 / Supplementary examination date RIN1-EN, BF1-EN –TOR1-EN
Datum: 06.02.2025



po navodilu izvajalca je v ŠIS-u razpisan izredni izpitni rok, za predmet RIN Teoretične osnove računalništva I – Diskretne strukture, BF Teoretične osnove računalništva I,  ki bo potekal 17. 2. 2025 ob 17:30 v predavalnici VP3. Študenti se na izpit prijavijo preko ŠIS-a.


Referat za študente UP FAMNIT



according to the instructions of the lecturer, an supplementary examination date has been announced in ŠIS for the course RIN Theoretical Computer Science I – Discrete Structures,  BF Theoretical Computer Science I EN, which will take place on February 17, 2025 at 5:30 PM in the VP3 lecture hall. Students register for the exam through ŠIS.


Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

UNDERGRADUATE STUDY: Course schedules for Spring Semester 2024/25
Datum: 03.02.2025

We would like to inform you that the course schedules for all study programmes for the Spring Semester 2024/2025 are published on our website (https://www.famnit.upr.si//en/student-pages/timetables). Lectures start on Monday, 17 February 2024 and last until Friday, 30 May 2025.


On this website you can also find a short clip that will show you how to check the course schedule.


Important information about the course schedule:

Na vrh

DODIPLOMSKI ŠTUDIJ: Urniki za spomladanski semester 2024/25
Datum: 03.02.2025

Obveščamo vas, da so na spletni strani fakultete (v rubriki Urniki: https://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/urniki) objavljeni urniki za spomladanski semester 2024/2025, ki se prične v ponedeljek, 17. februarja 2025 in zaključi v petek, 30. maja 2025.


Na tej strani (na dnu strani) je dostopen tudi kratek posnetek, ki prikazuje postopek preverjanja urnika in vam bo v pomoč.


Posebej vas želimo opozoriti na naslednje:

Na vrh

Bachelor Tracks pomlad 2025
Datum: 31.01.2025

Pozdrav vsem,


pošiljam novičko Bachelor Tracks pomlad 2025 za objavo na vaših spletnih straneh.


Ponudba predmetov je objavljena (seznam predmetov se še dopolnjuje sproti). Datumi prijav na predmete se razlikujejo glede na univerzo/predmete (zato je pomembno, da se preveri Registration modalities)





Ponudba je veljavna za dodiplomske študente, ki lahko izberejo do 24 ECTS izbirnih ali dodatnih predmetov na ostalih univerzah članic T4EU.


Novico smo na UP strani objavili pod T4EU sekcijo (priložnosti za študente) > https://www.upr.si/si/o-univerzi/t4eu-/t4eu-priloznosti-/za-studente-/ponudba-predmetov-t4eu-bachelor-tracks-za-pomladanski-semester-20242025-objavljena-registracije-so-z

Na vrh

Izpolnjevanje anket / filling out surveys
Datum: 16.01.2025



prosimo, da ankete izponjujete na računalniku, ne pa preko mobilne aplikacije, saj so se pojavile tehnične težave, ki onemogočajo uspešno izpolnitev anket na mobilnih napravah.v nasprotnem primeru vam bo onemogočena prijava na izpit.


Referat za študente UP FAMNIT




Dear students,


Please fill out the surveys on a computer, not via the mobile app, as technical issues have arisen that prevent succesful completion of the surveys on mobile devices. Otherwise, you will be unable to register fort he exam.


Student srevices UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Študentska anketa 2024-25 / Student Survey 2024-25
Datum: 16.01.2025


želimo vas spomniti, da se anketiranje študentov v študijskem letu 2024/25 izvaja prek Študentskega informacijskega sistema (ŠIS) v času od 1. 10. 2024 do 30. 9. 2025. Izpolnjevanje ankete je obvezno. Del ankete se izpolni pred prijavo na izpit, del ankete pa po vnosu končne ocene. Anketa je anonimna. Prosimo vas, da anketne vprašalnike izpolnite čim bolj iskreno in odgovorno.

Zahvaljujemo se vam za sodelovanje.

Referat za študente UP FAMNIT

Dear students,

we would like to remind you about the student surveys for the Academic year 2024/25 which are available for you to complete through the Student Information System (column Student Survey) between 1st October 2024 and 30th September 2025.Completing the survey is obligatory. Part of the survey is completed before the registration for an exam, and part of the survey is completed after entering the final grade. Survey is anonymous.We kindly ask you to fulfill the surveys honestly and responsibly.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – LV)
Datum: 15.01.2025

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, Thursday 16. January 2025, the LV from the course Biotechnology will be held  in Livade – GENETIKA IN BIOKEMIJA.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P + SE)
Datum: 15.01.2025

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, Thursday 16. January 2025, the P + SE from the course Biotechnology will be held  in Livade-ZOOLOGIJA.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Zimsko izpitno obdobje: prijava in odjava od izpita – opomnik / Exam terms for the Winter examination period - reminder
Datum: 13.01.2025



študente spomnimo na pomembnejše informacije vezane na prijavo in odjavo od izpitov v prihajajočem zimskem izpitnem obdobju:

Dan pred izpitom v ŠIS-u preverite morebitne spremembe ure in predavalnice izpitnega roka, zaradi morebitnih sprememb pri izvedbi. Študente o navedenih spremembah ne bomo posebej obveščali.


Prijava na izpitni rok preko ŠISa je potrebna tudi v primeru, če ste končno oceno pri predmetu dosegli z vmesnimi preverjanji (npr. kolokviji) ali gre samo za vpis opravljene študijske obveznosti ali opravljenega seminarja na magistrskem ali doktorskem študiju.



K posameznemu izpitu se lahko prijavite najprej 15. dan pred pričetkom izpitnega obdobja in najkasneje 5. dan pred razpisanim izpitnim rokom (PRIMER PRIJAVE: v kolikor je izpit v PONEDELJEK, 27. 1., je zadnji rok za prijavo SREDA, 22. 1. do polnoči).


V kolikor imate za izbrani predmet že »odprto« preteklo prijavo, ki še ni zaključena, se na naslednji izpitni rok pri tem predmetu ne morete prijaviti. V primeru odprte prijave pravočasno obvestite Referat in nosilca predmeta po e-pošti. Le v primeru, da bo vaše sporočilo posredovano v roku, ko je še možna prijava na izpit, (to je najkasneje 5. dan pred razpisanim drugim izpitnim rokom), vas bo na izpit lahko prijavil Referat.


Pogoj za prijavo na izpit je izpolnitev ankete skladno s Pravilnikom o študentski anketi na Univerzi na Primorskem.


Težave s prijavo na izpitni rok

V kolikor imate težave s prijavo na izpitni rok preko ŠIS-a, o tem pravočasno obvestite Referat za študente UP FAMNIT (referat@famnit.upr.si). V primeru, da bo vaše sporočilo posredovano v roku, ko je še možna prijava na izpit (pri e-pošti se upošteva dan in uro, ko je bilo posredovano e-sporočilo), vas bo na izpit prijavil Referat. V primeru, da vaše sporočilo ne bo pravočasno posredovano Referatu, prijava preko Referata ni možna.



Rok za odjavo je najkasneje 3 dni pred razpisanim izpitnim rokom. Če študent ne pristopi k izpitu, za katerega ima odprto prijavnico, se mu izpitni rok ne šteje v šest možnih pristopov. Če se študent ne odjavi pravočasno od izpita, lahko pristopi k naslednjemu izpitnemu roku šele po preteku tridesetih (30) dni (PRIMER ODJAVE: v kolikor je izpit v PONEDELJEK, 27. 1., je zadnji rok za odjavo PETEK, 24. 1. do polnoči).


V primeru nepričakovanih, a opravičljivih razlogov (npr. bolezen), ki nastopijo en dan pred oz. na dan izpita, torej po preteku roka odjave, mora študent še pred izpitom obvestiti nosilca predmeta in Referat.

Prijava k izpitu ni možna, če ima študent neporavnane finančne obveznosti do fakultete v skupnem znesku več kot 150,00 EUR. Svoje odprte finančne obveznosti do fakultete lahko v ŠIS-u preverite v rubriki Moji podatki / Moje finance.

Račun za četrto in nadaljnjo prijavo k izpitu pri predmetu ter opravljanje izpita pri predmetu za osebe, ki so brez statusa študenta (pavzerji) več kot eno leto, prejme študent na e-naslov, in sicer po datumu izpita.



Naj vas opomnimo, da je po neuspešnem tretjem opravljanju izpita pri istem predmetu obvezna izvedba konzultacij z izvajalcem predmeta. V primeru neuspešnega tretjega opravljanja izpita pri istem predmetu se študent ne bo mogel prijaviti na četrto opravljanje izpita, v kolikor pred tem ne bo opravil obveznih konzultacij.

Za izvedbo konzultacij mora študent kontaktirati izvajalca predmeta pravočasno.

Konzultacije morajo biti izvedene pravočasno, saj je od tega odvisna tudi prijava na izpit. Pri tem mora študent imeti v mislih, da lahko pride do nepredvidenih ali obveznih opravičljivih odsotnosti izvajalcev, zato mora študent kontaktirati izvajalca vsaj 14 dni pred PRIJAVO na izpit. Izvajalec bo študentu v ŠIS vnesel datum opravljenih konzultacij, s tem pa bo študentu omogočena prijava na naslednji izpitni rok.


Študente spomnimo, da se morajo za vnos ocene pri opravljenih študijskih obveznostih (tudi če so obveznost že opravili preko kvizov, kolokvijev ali na kakšen drug način) obvezno prijaviti na izpitni rok, ki je razpisan v ŠISu.



Veliko uspeha v prihajajočem izpitnem obdobju.



Exam terms for the Winter examination period - reminder


We would like to remind you of some important information related to Winter examination period:

Students must register for the exams through ŠIS. Please take notice of the Instructions of use for students in SIS. The document is available after you log in SIS.

The day before the exam, check in ŠIS for any changes to the time and lecture room of the exam. Students will not be notified of these changes.

Registration for the exam deadline via ŠIS is also required if you have achieved the final grade in the course by means of intermediate examinations (e.g. midterms) or if it is only for entering the grade of a completed study obligation or a completed seminar on a master’s or doctoral study.



You register to the exam through Student Information System - SIS in the menu Exams / Exam registration.

The registration to the exam is possible up to 15 days before the start of examination period (earlier registration is not possible).

The registration to the exam is possible at least 5 days before the exam date.

Example: if the exam is on Monday, 27 January, you can register until Wednesday, 22 January until midnight.

The registration to the exam term is necessary also if you have achieved the final grade with colloquia, so the professor can enter your grade in the system.

A student can take the exam for the same course six (6) times during the studies.

If you cannot register for the exam during the registration deadline (due to technical problems of the SIS, an open registration for a previous exam date, etc.) you should immediately notify the UP FAMNIT Student Services (referat@famnit.upr.si). If your message has been submitted within the listed registration deadline (based on the date/time your email was forwarded) the Student Services can enter your exam registration. If the message has been forwarded outside the scheduled deadline, the registration through the UP FAMNIT Student Services is not possible.

The condition for registration for the exam is completion of the survey in accordance with the Rules on Student Survey at the University of Primorska.



You cancel the exam through Student Information System - SIS in the menu Exams / Cancellation of the exam.

The cancellation of the exam is possible at least 3 days before the exam.

Example: if the exam is on Monday, 27 January, you can cancel your registration until Friday, 24 January until midnight.

If the student doesn’t cancel the exam registration in time, it will not be considered that he/she took the exam and it will not be counted into 6 (six) possible attempts. In this case the student cannot register for the next exam term for at least 30 days.

If you wish to cancel an exam registration, but you cannot do this due to technical problems of the SIS, you should immediately notify the UP FAMNIT Student Office (referat@famnit.upr.si, 05 611 75 75). If your message has been submitted before the listed registration deadline (based on the date/time the email was forwarded), the Student Office can cancel your exam registration. If your message has been submitted outside this deadline, the cancellation through the UP FAMNIT Student Office is not possible.



Let us remind you that after unsuccessful third attendance at exam for the same course a consultations with the professor are obligatory. In this case the student will not be able to register for the fourth time, unless he/she completes the obligatory consultations with the professor.


Student is obligated to contact the professor regarding the consultations date in a timely matter.

Consultations have to be done on time, otherwise the registration for the next exam will not be possible. Because the professors can have unpredictable or obligatory absences, the student must contact the professor about consultations at least 14 days before the APPLICATION to the exam.

After the consultations, the professor will enter it's date in SIS. Afterwards the register for an exam will be possible.


We would like to remind all students that in order to enter a grade for completed study obligations (even if you already completed the obligation through quizzes, mid terms or in some other way), they must register for the examination deadline announced in the SIS.



When the debt reaches 150 EUR, the student cannot register for exams. Any outstanding library debt is entered into the SIS when it reaches 150 EUR.


Best of luck!

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – LV)
Datum: 08.01.2025

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, Thursday 9. January 2025, the LV from the course Biotechnology will be held at 17.00 in Livade-GENETIKA IN BIOKEMIJA.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P+SE)
Datum: 08.01.2025

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, Thursday 9. January 2025, the P+SV from the course Biotechnology will be held at 13.00 in Livade-ZOOLOGIJA.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Obvezne konzultacije po neuspešnem tretjem opravljanju izpita / Obligatory consultations after unsuccessful third attendance of an exam for the same c
Datum: 07.01.2025


ker se bliža izpitno obdobje, vas želimo opomniti, da je po tretjem neuspešnem opravljanju izpita pri istem predmetu obvezna izvedba konzultacij z izvajalcem predmeta. V primeru neuspešnega tretjega opravljanja izpita pri istem predmetu se študent ne bo mogel prijaviti na četrto opravljanje izpita, v kolikor pred tem ne bo opravil obveznih konzultacij.

Za izvedbo konzultacij mora študent kontaktirati izvajalca predmeta pravočasno.

Konzultacije morajo biti izvedene pravočasno, saj je od tega odvisna tudi prijava na izpit. Pri tem mora študent imeti v mislih, da lahko pride do nepredvidenih ali obveznih opravičljivih odsotnosti izvajalcev, zato mora študent kontaktirati izvajalca vsaj 14 dni pred PRIJAVO na izpit. Izvajalec bo študentu v ŠIS vnesel datum opravljenih konzultacij, s tem pa bo študentu omogočena prijava na naslednji izpitni rok.




because the exam period is approaching let us remind you that after unsuccessful third attendance of an exam for the same course a consultations with the professor are obligatory. In this case the student will not be able to register for the fourth time, unless he/she completes the obligatory consultations with the professor.

Student is obligated to contact the professor regarding the consultations date in a timely matter.

Consultations have to be done on time, otherwise the registration for the next exam will not be possible. Because the professors can have unpredictable or obligatory absences, the student must contact the professor about consultations at least 14 days before the APPLICATION to the exam.

After the consultations, the professor will enter it's date in SIS. Afterwards the register for an exam will be possible.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Student Services: change of the working hours, 1st January 2025
Datum: 30.12.2024

We would like to inform the students that on Friday 1st January 2025, the Student Services office will be closed. We will respond to received e-mails as soon as possible.


Best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Student Services: change of the working hours, 30 and 31 December 2024
Datum: 23.12.2024

We would like to inform the students that on Monday 30 and Tuesday 31 December 2024, the Student Services office will be closed. We will respond to received e-mails as soon as possible.


Best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – LV)
Datum: 18.12.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, 19. 12. 2024, the LV from the course Biotechnology  will be held at 16.00 in RLab2.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P + SE)
Datum: 18.12.2024


According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, 19. 12. 2024, the SE + P from the course Biotechnology  will be held at 13.00 to 16.00.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Visibility of notifications (SIS)
Datum: 18.12.2024

All notifications that are usually visible on Famnit's website are now visible on SIS as well. You can subscribe to the notifications and receive them on your student e-mail address.

Over time, the notifications on the website will no longer be visible, but you will only see them in SIS.


Best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3 - EN (Biotechnology – LV)
Datum: 12.12.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that today, 12. 12. 2024, the LV from the course Biotechnology  will be held in Livade – Genetika and Biokemija

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3 - EN (Biotechnology – P + SE)
Datum: 12.12.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that today, 12. 12. 2024, the SE + P from the course Biotechnology  will be held in Livade - Zoologija

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3- EN – SE + SV (Evolutionary and population genetics – SE + SV)
Datum: 10.12.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that today, 10. 12. 2024, the SE + SV from the course Evolutionary and population genetics will be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

URNIK – sprememba: BF2 – 1 in BF2- EN – LV (Temelji fizike z biofiziko – LV) COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2 – 1 and BF2- EN – LV (Foundations of physics with b
Datum: 10.12.2024

Po navodilu izvajalca vas obveščamo, da v torek, 10. 12. 2024, LV – iz predmeta Temelji fizike z biofiziko odpadejo.

Navedene spremembe so vnešene v urnik na spletni strani fakultete (Urniki).

Referat za študente UP FAMNIT




According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that today, 10. 12. 2024, the LV from the course Foundations of physics with biophysics will be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P + SE)
Datum: 03.12.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, 4. 12. 2024, the P + SE from the course Biotechnology  will be held at 16.00 in Livade – BOTANIKA..

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

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Practical training
Datum: 03.12.2024


We would like to inform the students of the study programs where it is obligatory to do practical training (internship) that they can find the instructions regarding the internship on our website under an individual study program under the subtitle Practical Training. Students are asked to read the instructions carefully.


In particular, we would like to remind you that the information in the application must be filled in correctly, as it is transferred to a tripartite agreement.


Students must submit an application for a study internship at SIS in a timely manner and then deliver three signed copies of the tripartite agreement (signed by the student) to the Student Office.

The tripartite agreement must be signed by the student, UP FAMNIT and the organization BEFORE the start of the internship.


Kind  regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN1-EN, BF1-EN (Computer Practicum – LV)
Datum: 02.12.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that today, 2. 12. 2024, the LV from the course Computer Practicum will not be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF2-EN, MA2-EN Analysis III – Functions of Many Variables – LV)
Datum: 02.12.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you today, 2. 12. 2024, the LV from the course Analysis III – Functions of Many Variables will not be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Objava izpitnih rokov za zimsko izpitno obdobje 2024/25 / Exam terms for the Winter examination period 2024/25
Datum: 29.11.2024

Študente obveščamo, da so izpitni roki za zimsko (20. 1. - 14. 2. 2025) izpitno obdobje objavljeni v ŠISu.

Študenti se na izpite prijavite preko ŠISa (IZPITI / PRIJAVA NA IZPIT), veljavne prijave na izpite pa lahko preverite v rubriki IZPITI / PREGLED PRIJAV. Študente prosimo, da dan pred izpitom preverijo v ŠISu morebitne spremembe ure in predavalnice izpitnega roka. Študente o navedenih spremembah ne bomo posebej obveščali. Študente ponovno opozarjamo, da jim bomo nujne zadeve vezane na izpitno obdobje posredovali izključno na univerzitetne e-naslove. Prav tako pa študentom svetujemo, da si preberejo Pravilnik o preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja na Univerzi na Primorskem, ki je dostopen tukaj: https://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/resources/files/o-fakulteti/pravilniki-obrazci/npburejen-ppozsprem-krsitve-in-uporaba-ui23.5.24-3.pdf  

Pregled izpitnih rokov v ŠISu
V ŠISu lahko izpitne roke za predmete pregledujete preko v rubriki IZPITI / IZPITNI ROKI, in sicer za vse predmete, ki se izvajajo na fakulteti. 


Veliko uspeha v prihajajočem izpitnem obdobju.





We would like to inform you that the exam terms for the winter (20 January to 14 February 2025) examination period are visible in the Student information System (SIS).


Students must register for the exams through ŠIS (EXAMS / REGISTRATIONS FOR EXAMS), you can check your registrations in the section (EXAMS / OVERVIEW OF REGISTRATIONS). We ask all students to check in ŠIS one day before the exam for possible changes of the hour or classroom, as we won’t inform the students about it. We would like to remind all students that we will use student e-mail adressess for urgent notices about the exams. Students are also advised to read the Rules on the examination and assessment of knowledge at the University of Primorska, which are available here: https://www.famnit.upr.si/en/resources/files/education/Regulations%20and%20forms/ang202423.5.ppoznpb-prevod-v-angl.jkrsitve-in-uporaba-ui-1.pdf


Overview Of The Exam Dates

In the “ALL EXAM DATES” section, you can find exam dates for the all courses. To check the dates, select the course you wish to check the examination dates for in THE “COURSE TITLE” field. Click on “SUBMIT” to display all future exam dates for the selected course.


Good luck with the upcoming examination period.

Student Services UP FAMNIT Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Evolutionary Biology– P)
Datum: 28.11.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, 29. 11. 2024, the P from the course Evolutionary Biology will not be held and it is moved to Wednesday, 4. 12. 2024 at 12.00.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN (Biotechnology – P+SE, LV)
Datum: 27.11.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, 28. 11. 2024, the P+SE, LV from the course Biotechnology will not be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN-EN, BF-EN (Computer Practicum-EN – LV)
Datum: 19.11.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that on  Wednesday 20. 11. 2024, the LV from the Computer Practicum-EN (RIN-EN, BF-EN) course will be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Entry to Galeb
Datum: 11.11.2024

Entry to Galeb is possible with a student card or the STUDO app, during working hours from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN3-EN, BF3-EN (Multimedia Design – P)
Datum: 07.11.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, 8. 11. 2024, the P from the Multimedia Design course will now be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN-EN, BF-EN (Computer Practicum- LV)
Datum: 06.11.2024

COURSE SCHEDULE: RIN-EN, BF-EN (Computer Practicum- LV)


According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that on 8. 11. 2024, the LV from the Computer Practicum course will be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3-EN, MA2-EN (Introduction to Numerical Calculations - SV)
Datum: 06.11.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that on 8. 11. 2024, the SV from the Introduction to Numerical Calculations course will be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: BF3 EN, MA2 EN (SV – Introduction to Numerical Calculation)
Datum: 28.10.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that tomorrow, 29. 10. 2024, the SV from the Introduction to Numerical Calculation course will now be held.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

COURSE SCHEDULE: MA EN (Basics of numerical computation)
Datum: 24.10.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer, we inform you that the lectures from the Basics of Numerical Computing course will now be held from 09:00 - 12:00, so please check the schedule again.

The mentioned changes are entered in the schedule on the faculty's website (Schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Compulsory and elective courses 2024/25
Datum: 23.10.2024

We would like to inform all students that on our website (Education/ Courses 2024/25) you can find information about the compulsory and elective courses in undergraduate and Master’s study programmes in the academic year 2024/25. The list is published in English only for study programmes in English, for other programmes it is available only in Slovene (Študij/ Izvedba 2024/25).

In case of changes, the information will be updated.

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Sprememba uradnih ur Referata za študente, 16. 10. 2024 / Student Services: change of the working hours, 16. 10. 2024
Datum: 15.10.2024

Študente obveščamo, da bo Referat jutri, 16. 10. 2024 zaprt, zaradi udeležbe na aktivnostih v sklopu Rektoričinega dne. Na morebitno prejeto e-pošto bomo poskusili odgovoriti v čim krajšem času od četrtka, 17. 10. 2024 dalje.


Lepo vas pozdravljamo,

Referat za študente UP FAMNIT



We would like to inform the students that the Student Services will be closed tomorrow, October 16th 2024, due to the activities on Rector's day. We will respond to received e-mails as soon as possible from Thursday, October 17th 2024 forward.


Best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

Datum: 15.10.2024

According to the instruction of the lecturer we inform you that the LV for the course TOR I EN has been cancelled on Tuesday, 15 October, so please check the course schedule again. The new term for the LV will be known later. The changes are visible on the website (Course schedules).

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Izgubljeni/najdeni predmeti / Lost/found items
Datum: 14.10.2024

Študente obveščamo, da se v RLab5 na mizi predavatelja nahajata pozabljen zvezek in peresnica. Če kdo pogreša te predmete, jih lahko pride iskat.


Lep pozdrav,

Referat za študente UP FAMNIT



Dear students,


in RLab5 there is a forgotten notebook and a pencil case on the lecturer's desk. If anyone misses those items, they can pick them up.


Best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

OPOMNIK: Rok za oddajo prošenj za predmet v ŠISu / REMINDER: Deadline of the course requests in SIS
Datum: 10.10.2024

OPOMNIK: Rok za oddajo prošenj za predmet v ŠISu: Sprememba izbirnega predmeta, opravljanje obveznosti višjega letnika, opravljanje dodatnih obveznosti / REMINDER: Deadline of the course requests in SIS: Changing the elective courses, additional obligations for the higher year, additional obligations 0

Študente želimo spomniti, da so prošnje pri predmetu aktivne do ponedeljka, 14. 10. 2024 do 10. ure.


Študent prošnjo izpolni v ŠISu.


Obvezna priloga, ki jo študent naloži v ŠIS: soglasje nosilca predmeta, ki ga študent izbira.

Študente naprošamo, da pred oddajo natančno preberejo posodobljene smernice za Opravljanje obveznosti višjega letnika ter Spremembo jezika predmeta.



Vse informacije so dosegljive tudi na spletni strani: https://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/studenti/prosnje#heading2.


Referat za študente UP FAMNIT



We would like to remind the students that the requests for courses will be active till Monday, 14 October 2024 till 10:00am.


Students have to fulfill the request in SIS.


Mandatory attachment, that a student uploads to ŠIS: consent of the professor of the course a student wants to take.

We kindly ask the student to carefully read new guidelines for Taking the courses from the higher year and Changing the course language.



All information are available also on the website: https://www.famnit.upr.si/en/education/requests#heading2.

Student Services UP FAMNIT


Na vrh

UP se pridružuje Erasmus Days z razstavo in Erasmus+ World Café / UP participates in the Erasmus Days with an exhibition and an Erasmus+ World Café
Datum: 08.10.2024

Univerza na Primorskem se pridružuje mednarodni kampanji Erasmus Days, namenjeni promociji vseh priložnosti, ki jih ponuja program Erasmus+. Dogodek bo otvoril prorektor za internacionalizacijo,prof. dr. Michaël Mrissa , ki bo v ponedeljek, 14. oktobra, ob 10.00 slovesno odprl razstavo v avli Armerije.

Na razstavi boste tako študenti kotpedagoško in strokovno osebje  izvedeli:

Po otvoritvi razstave se bo dogajanje preselilo na dvorišče rektorata, kjer bo potekal Erasmus+ World Café. Na prijetno druženje ob kavi so vabljeni tako študenti kot člani pedagoškega in strokovnega osebja, ki so že bili na izmenjavi in želijo deliti svoje izkušnje, zlasti pa ti, ki o izmenjavi šele razmišljajo. To bo odlična priložnost za klepet s študenti UP, Erasmus študenti in predstavniki mednarodnih pisarn vseh članic UP za pridobitev vseh informacij. 

The University of Primorska is joining the international Erasmus Days campaign aimed to promote all the opportunities proposed by Erasmus+. The Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, Prof. Dr. Michaël Mrissa, will inaugurate the exhibition in the lobby of theArmeria palace on Monday, 14 October at 10:00.

At the exhibition, students, teaching and support staff will find out:

After the opening, we will move to the rectorate's courtyard, where a world café will take place. Teaching and support staff who have already been on an exchange and would like to share their experience, and especially those who are just considering going on a mobility, are invited to a relaxed get-together over a cup of coffee. This will be a great opportunity to chat with UP students, Erasmus students and staff from the international offices of all UP faculties.

Na vrh

Nov režim vhoda/izhoda - dvorišče med objekti Rektorata UP in objekta UP FHŠ / New entrance/exit regime - courtyard between the buildings of the UP Re
Datum: 08.10.2024



z začetkom študijskega leta 2024/25 smo nekoliko spremenili režim dostopa do dvorišča med objekti Rektorata UP in objekta UP FHŠ na Titovem trgu.


Glavna sprememba je ta, da se lesena vrata v podhodu Foresterije (izhod na Titov trg) in železna vrata (izhod na Garibaldijev trg) zaklepajo ob 16.00. Ker se ob tej uri zaklepajo tudi velika lesena vrata palače Armerija, je po 16. uri mogoč vhod oz. izhod z dvorišča samo skozi vrata, ki so del železne ograje ob Garibaldijevi ulici.


Ta vrata bodo v mesecu oktobru odklenjena med 7.00 in 19.00, od novembra dalje pa med 7.00 in 16.30. V ostalem času se ta vrata odpirajo s pomočjo kartice, ki jo imajo vsi zaposleni in študenti UP (študenti za odpiranje vrat uporabljajo tudi aplikacijo STUDO). Na enak način in po enakem urniku se odpirajo tudi vrata v prostor MixUP, ki je tako zaposlenim in študentom UP dostopen 24 ur na dan.


Lep pozdrav,





Dear students,


with the beginning of the 2024/25 academic year, we have slightly changed the regime of access to the courtyard between the buildings of the UP Rectorate and the UP FHŠ building on Tito's Square.


The main change is that the wooden door in the Foresterija underpass (exit to Tito's Square) and the iron gate (exit to Garibaldi's Square) are locked at 4:00 p.m. Since the large wooden doors of the Armerija Palace are also locked at this hour, after 4 p.m. it is possible to enter or exit the courtyard only through the gate, which is part of the iron fence along Garibaldi's Street.


These doors will be unlocked between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. in October, and between 7:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. from November onwards. During the rest of the time, these doors are opened with the help of a card that all UP employees and students have (students also use the STUDO application to open the door). In the same way and according to the same schedule, the doors to the MixUP space are also opened, which is accessible to UP employees and students 24 hours a day.


Best regards,

Student Services UP FAMNIT

Na vrh

Generiral programski paket VIS